sanses first day of s-school >\\\<

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The summer had just ended and it was rollis first day back to school, He's been going to this school his whole life sence his mom found no need to ever move. Growing up him and his friend, Rita, never had friends till they met each other. Ever sence that day they've been there for each other, and loved each other very much just like best friends.

Anyhow, as rolli was getting up for school, he put on the same clothes he wears everyday, ran down the stairs to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and headed out the door. As he got out he saw Rita waiting outside for him, "there you are! " she said. "Let's get going" the two kids headed to school thinking it would be a normal day like last year........................................................................ When in fact.......................................................... It wasn't😈😈😈

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