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Jungkook's Apartment

I really didn't push through with my plan to ignore him after Rosie's breakup. I realized it was a just a spur-of-the-moment decision due to my emotions. Besides, it was really unfair for him if I judged him easily just because of his friendship with the likes of a trashy guy.

"You want anything, Lali? Tea? Water?" he went on to turn on the AC and proceeded to prepare stuffs. His unit was mostly bare, like he doesn't stay here often.

He stopped his ministrations in the kitchen when I said, "Let's get to the point, Jungkook"

He sighed and walked towards me, "Alright. At least have a seat, please?"

I made my way to the couch. He sat beside me with a comfortable distance between us.

"Okay. so what happened? Was it something I did? or was it something my hyungs said?"

I shook my head. no, it was something you said.


We were at their dorm's gaming room at that time. Taehyung and Jimin oppa invited me to hang out with them a week after I stayed over on the night of the incident at Myeongdong. It was one of their days with lesser schedules and coincidentally, I also had no plans that day so it just naturally happened. The rest of the oppas were at their company, working on some stuffs.

We talked about a lot of things and tried out different games, whatever they had. I excused myself for a while to go to the restroom. On my way back, I accidentally heard them mention my name. Apparently, the door was left slightly open.

"I think Lisa's your way out, Jk" it was Taehyung oppa.

I heard Jimin oppa sounded amused, "oooh you're already quitting the game Jk? that's quite disappointing, I must say"

Jungkook scoffed, "No way. We shouldn't really forego all these beautiful ladies now, should we?"  this made Jimin oppa laugh out loud.

"But really, she's just a good friend hyung," probably talking to Taehyung oppa.

I rolled my eyes at this. no need to rub that repeatedly.

"Oh wait yea I remember! was that Lisa you were eavesdropping on back at the hotpot restaurant? damn Jungkook and his jealous ass that day HAHAHA"

huh? they were there?

"who says I was jealous. I was just... curious okay?" I could hear Jimin oppa snicker.

Taehyung oppa then said, "Hmm that makes sense if others pursue her. She's really pretty"

I was startled by the sudden smash of console on the carpeted floor " go tell her that! better yet, go court her hyung or something"

- damn he doesn't really care huh

"where is she anyway? why do girls take so much time in the restroom?" he said, sounding irritated.

tch this impatient asshole..

I was about to finally show up by the door when Jimin oppa suddenly asked,

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