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The next day, last weekend of October

At this point, why do people even bother?

But I must commend them for trying though. It takes courage to challenge someone despite being full aware that there is only 0.001% chance of winning.

"What the hell, man?!" this enraged courageous fighter named Yugyeom finally gave up on his own challenge as he thrashed the console on the carpeted floor.

"How did you manage to win all five straight rounds!! I figured you would be exhausted by the fifth round but damn!!"

I just laughed at him, patting his shoulders. "It was a really good game, bro. Nothing to be embarrassed about."

He whined all the more and I just laughed, shaking my head, before I stood up and went to find myself some water in Bambam's kitchen.

I am currently in Bambam's apartment to hang out with Yugyeom. This guy apparently lost in a bet that started all because he told Bambam his cats were ugly. The other guy obv got triggered and challenged him in a game that Yugyeom knew he was bad at but he was too caught up in wanting to hear Bambam admit to himself that his cats were ugly soooo Yugyeom's stupid ass agreed and obviously lost.

This is the reason why Yugyeom was deprived of his weekend and forced to look out for Bambam's cats the entire day because the guy had to go somewhere and the caretaker took a leave for the day. This is why you don't mindlessly challenge people, kids.

I, on the other hand, purposely came here to support my dearest friend.


We were supposed to hang out today with the other guys, like outside type of hang out, but obv we can't because this happened and the other guys suddenly weren't available today too. I didn't have any other plans actually and I was honestly also curious about these cOoL gAmEs in Bambam's place that Yugyeom has mentioned several times. so yea basically, I just came here to play.

"What??? I am just your cat's keeper for today okay? Not your housemaid!"

I was on my way back to the living room when I saw Yugyeom pacing back and forth as he continued to talk on the phone, probably Bambam.

He sighed before he passively agreed and ended the call. He slumped at the couch.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Bambam called to tell me that his friend will come to get something in here real quick. He told me to tidy up the area, at least make it decent before his friend arrives"

pfft he was just complaining 'cause he had to clean up.

I laughed at him. "You're just being lazy, it's not like there's much to tidy up anyway. It's just the consoles on the floor and the food that you yourself set up", I urged him to just get on with cleaning and get over it.

"But I don't wanna be bossed around by Bambam!!!" he whined, still splayed all over the couch.

We then heard a knock on the door. This must be Bambam's friend already. Yugyeom's eyes were wide open as he jumped up from his position and hurried to clean up his mess. Chuckling at his state, I told him I'd be the one to let the visitor in since he was still finishing up.

I opened the door as was surprised to see a short-haired girl in a pink Celine hoodie and bell-bottom jeans. She had a full make up on and was holding a shoulder bag on one arm.

Her eyes widened as she saw me and immediately looked at the number of the apartment. Her eyebrows cutely furrowed with a small pout.

I cleared my throat before I asked her, "Are you Bambam's friend?"

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