𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 | 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 2

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Y/n's POV

I sat on a bench outside the Wreck wearing a pair of red paper bag shorts and a white tank top. I wasn't really one to dress up for dates or anything really but I decided to wear something nicer since I was going on a date. Or a tour.

I checked my phone to see that it was 9:57 AM. He had three minutes before he was late. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of the boy I met just the other day. Something about him gave me butterflies and I had no idea why.

"I'm here! I'm here!" I heard a voice shout making me look up to see the blonde running up to me.

"And.....you're late" I giggled, watching as my phone changed from 9:59 to 10:00.

"I was here before it was ten" he claimed as his eyes scanned my body, checking me out.

"My eyes are up here" I acknowledged as a small grin stretched across my lips.

"Right" he mumbled as his eyes darted back up to mine. "Uh, are you ready to go?"

I nodded before following him into the parking lot. I watched as he walked towards a rusty old van covered in random stickers. It didn't appear to be in the best condition but it looked cozy. He opened the passenger door for me and I thanked him before hopping in. I looked around at all the stickers and cute little trinkets on the dashboard.

Once the blonde boy was in the driver's seat, he pulled out of the parking lot and went on our way.

"So I never got your name?" The boy spoke up making me look over at him.

"Y/n. What about you?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.


I paused for a second, wondering if that was his real name or just some nickname his friends gave him. Or maybe it stood for something?

"What's that stand for?" I asked as we drove down a road surrounded by trees.

"It's better if you didn't know" he chuckled making me furrow my eyebrows. That only made me more curious.

"Oh, c'mon" I rolled my eyes, looking back at the road in front of us. "What's it stand for?"

"Fine, but you gotta promise me you won't make fun of me" he commanded directly.

"Promise" I kissed my pinky finger and brought it to my heart.

"Jesse James"

"Isn't that like some western outlaw guy?" I asked, trying to remember where I had heard that name before.


I hummed in response. That name was actually kinda badass and hot. I liked it.

We drove around and he showed me Figure Eight and the Cut. Apparently, there were two tribes on the island. Kooks were the ones who lived on Figure Eight. They were the rich, upper class snobs who had everything handed to them and sat on their sorry asses. Well, that's what JJ said. Then the Pogues were the lowlifes, bottom of the barrel type of people. People who worked their asses off just to put food on the table.

After having a full lecture on Kooks and Pogues, JJ showed me a bunch of lighthouses around the island.

Finally, he parked the van outside one with black and white stripes spiraling up it. He lead me inside and up the long spiral stairs. We finally got to the top and JJ helped me up through the little hatch door. I looked around through the glass windows. You could see everything from there.

☀︎𝙹𝙹 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 ☀︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora