He's Depressed And Suicidal.

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Evan was laying awake, listening to Zoe's soft breaths as she slept. He was listening to his girlfriend. He still couldn't believe that Zoe and him were dating, and he really wasn't sure how they were together in the first place.

Evan hated himself. He hated his looks and his personality, and the countless things that were wrong with him. He hated it all, and he knew Zoe would hate him too if she started to find out more things about him, like, for instance, the tree. Evan knew that he had let go, but he kept telling himself that he fell to the point where he was starting to believe it. He knew the truth would come out one day, though, and so he hoped that he would be able to convince himself of the lie and forget the truth before that happened.

Evan took a small breath, realizing that his thoughts had turned to self hatred pretty quickly. Then again, his thoughts were always of self hatred, and so this really wasn't a new thing.

Evan turned to look at Zoe, and he slightly smiled at how perfect she looked while she slept. She looked calm, like how Connor did. Evan's eyes widened when he realized that Connor had just made his way into his thoughts again, and so he closed his eyes, trying to will himself to fall asleep. That was its own problem by itself, though. Evan was worried that if he fell asleep he would have the same dream again, and though he didn't dislike the dream, he knew he couldn't have it.

Evan rolled his eyes to himself, thinking about how Connor was now practically torturing ever aspect of his life. He was afraid to go to sleep for gods sake! How was that fair? How was Connor able to get inside of his head?

Evan closed his eyes once again, trying to calm himself which was actually quite hard with your girlfriend laying beside you, but his eyes quickly opened. He heard yelling coming from downstairs, and he immediately assumed that it was Connor arguing with one of his parents again, but the longer he listened the more he realized that he didn't hear Connors voice. Only Larry and Cynthias.

Evans eyes widened when he thought of how Connor had left the house earlier, telling Evan that he had 'never saw him'. Though Evan knew that it wasn't his business, he couldn't help but shimmy out of bed and go closer to the door, trying to figure out what was being said. If something had happened to Connor and it was Evan's fault for him leaving the house, he wouldn't be able to ever forgive himself.

Once Evan realized that he wasn't able to hear what was being said, he carefully and quietly unlocked the door, stepping out into the hallway. He glanced back at Zoe, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, then closed the door, wincing a little when the door made a small creaking sound.

He waited a beat, his heart thumping a mile a minute, and when no one came to see what the sound was he continued on his way.

Evan stopped at the top of the stairs, as he could hear what was being said and would be able to go to Zoe's room if anyone came close. Evan slowed his breathing, not having to strain his ears too hard to hear what was being said.

"Cynthia, he can't keep pulling stunts like this!"

Evan blinked in fear, wondering if the 'he' was Connor. He really hoped not.

"They're not stunts! He needs help! He needs to go back to Therapy-"

"We're not sending him to Therapy! It doesn't help him! It's a waste of money and time,"

Evan was now sure that the person Larry and Cynthia were talking about was Connor, and Evan felt his dislike for Larry growing. Sure, Evan knew that Therapy wasn't the most helpful, but it did start to help over time. Or so he was told.

"Is your Sons mental stability a waste of time? Is your Son staying alive a waste of money?"

Evan now knew that they were talking about Connor, but he was still wasn't sure what had happened. There was a pause, and all Evan could hear was his heart beating out of his chest. When Larry spoke again his voice was a little more quiet.

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