chapter 18

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The next I called my agent

The call

Hello this is polly

Hi polly its me ellie I was just wondering if that job is still open for me and Thomas

Why yes it is have you came to a decision already?

Um yeah we have decided to take the job

Oh well that's amazing I will inform them now but I will say they still need to do auditions so they wont be shooting until next year or end of this year earliest

That's fine we have enough time to finish off our work here then

Great ok I need to go got a meetin' with my boss

Ok have fun bye

Bye doll

End of call

After I did this I went to film the part when I get called up because we did the movie backwards

Once I walk up and get called I go into a the other room im not in the scenes for a while and I just watch until we cut

Thomas walked up to me

Me – I called my agent and she informed them about our decision

Thomas – same with mine

Me – did you tell anyone yet

Thomas – no i thought we would have to tell wes and the others about it so we don't double book ourselves for next year

Me – yeah I know we might just tell wes now then

He agrees and we go speak to wes

I knock on his door and here a come in

Me – hey wes we were just wondering if you have any sort of plan for shooting next year

Wes – well no I wasn't mainly because I have already been called by both your agents and im really happy for you

It was a huge relief to us

Wes turned to Thomas – oh and I would tell Dylan before he gets jealous

I chuckled and Thomas said – I will

Best Friends Before Actors~Thomas Brodie-Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now