chapter 11

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We went in the car and I told him the directions

Thomas – why do you not like your mother I mean you've been dreading this party thing since she mentioned it

Me – I don't know I mean it never felt like she was my mother it felt like she was my boss and a mean one at that always taking her anger on me or Elijah or my sister she would always direct it at me most of the time she would take the piss out of the things I want or would wear then when I would wear them she would have a fit my step dad favoured his kids and I guess my mother saw how 'good' they behaved and decided she like them more that her own kids

Thomas – so favouritism

Me – yes but a very high level of favouritism

Thomas – then how would they let you audition for harry potter

Me – oh they didn't my dad let me then when I got in my mum thought it would be great to have a celeb living with them and mooch off of me that's why my siblings and I moved with my grandad and my dad

Thomas – jeez this might be out of line for me to say but your mother is a bitch

I laughed – I know

When we got there I broke down

Me – I cant do this

Thomas – yes you can

Me – no I cant

Thomas – yes you can listen to me *he grabbed me shoulders* you will do this and if you need to get out you alert me and I will come ok?

I nodded – ugh I hate this already

Thomas – I know just go in there and knock

Me – how about I stand her up and we got home

Thomas – you know I am not doing that so get your ass out of the car and walk up and ring that door bell to hell

Me – it is a door bell to hell isn't it

Thomas – it looks like it now go

Me – but-

Thomas – you are going now as I said get your ass out of the car and enter your worst nightmares

Me – don't talk about my ass like that

I joked

Thomas – just go

Best Friends Before Actors~Thomas Brodie-Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now