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Hey so since this is my story I'm going to change a few things about some movies ok

If you know me I'm a big fremione fan (fred x hermione)

So fred and hermione will end up together in the hp movies ellie did

also ron died instead (hate me for this idgaf) 

The movie shows scenes of fred and hermione getting really close like what it said in the books (fake books)

After ron dies fred and Hermione morn him but stick together

The last few scenes are of hermione and fred later being married lying in a bed after having yk (they are of age) and then Hermione giving birth to her oldest daughter (emma) and then her two sons (gideon and Fabian) the second last scene is if them all asleep in the same bed (cuz kids sneak into their parents beds when they were younger) the last scene is when their kids go to Hogwarts and fred, her, ginny and harry are their

The ships

Luna and Neville
Hermione and fred
Harry and Ginny
Lavender and blaise
George and Angelia
Draco and Astoria
And all the others

And there was talk of Hermione not ending up with fred and ellie fought against it because it was too far out of the story

There still is going to be crossover ships like newt and hermione (I didnt know about this until two days ago and I find it hilarious that it's ellies two big ass jobs apart from Gilmore girls)

James phelps (fred) and ellie are still really close friends and you will see that maybe

I have this vision and if you dont like it well tough

James and ellie are very close but more I'm a supportive brother way and you actually introduced him to his future wife (they are going out but he plans to propose in the story)

You and cho chang (katie leung) started dating in the goblet of fire and stayed strong for three years then broke it off when you were 19 but turning 20

A couple months later you go out with young ducky mallard from NCIS but after two months it was better off as friends (you fooled around tho)

At the reunion of arthur and the invisibles you and freddie highmore started to date you got proper two years in then broke it off because long distance wasnt working anymore (it was three years in so where 24 and just after you got the part for maze runners)  it wasnt the best break up but you moved on but havent dated anyone else

A/n btw when i say you i mean ellie its just a name this can be you if you want i prefer putting a name of it but this is can be you

You haven't dated anyone else because you arent ready

You have dated around before but not this year

It is the year 2014

Gilmore girls has been amazing for you and you love it (you are going to be filming season 6 already they like to move things along very quickly)

Luke Danes (scott patterson) has always been a father figure to you)

You hate your real mother

Molly weasley (julie Walters) has been a mother figure to you

All the weasley siblings including harry are you siblings (even bill)

You havent had a bad coworker (yet idk)

You haven't had a stalker (yet maybe idk)

The amount of stress you put of yourself when acting isnt good and your body may give up after one pregnancy (as in never conceive again)

You havent seen your brother Elijah in ages he hasnt spoken to you in two years

Your sister is really close to you

Your step siblings can fuck off for all you care (spoiled bitches)

Your grandfather is your best friend and you love him to bits

Your father is the best you have the relationship that is best friend first dad second which is amazing

You and Thomas won't get together for the first or second movie of tmr but the year after the second movie something happens

You are close to everyone on the cast but are closest to Will, Dylan and Thomas (sometimes Ki Hong)

Will is the same age as you (hes 25 and in the next couple of chapters it's your 25th birthday) you introduce him to you best friend from school and they get together

The interviews will be made by me now because the others are so long and tiring and It got boring so this way I will be able to think of my own questions and answers for everyone so it's more fun for me and you

Best Friends Before Actors~Thomas Brodie-Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now