Chapter Twelve; The USJ

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"SHUT UP! I WILL NOT LET THIS BASTARD ESCAPE AGAIN!" I had tears streaming down my face and Aizawa quickly realized who it was that I was fighting. He bit the bottom of his lip. But then he nodded his head. "Then hurry up and kick his ass! But I will step in if you need me." I scoffed. "Like hell I would need you."

I turned back to the Shigaraki who was scratching his neck. "Don't get cocky kid! You aren't strong enough to fight this thing!" I put my hood back up and let out the hottest stream of fire I could possibly produce and covered my hands in the nearby cement. Then I used my telekinesis to condense the flame into an extremely large Scythe.

I took off at an incredibly quick speed and sliced off the Nomu from the shoulder up and landed. But by the time I looked back the Nomu had already regenerated and was throwing a punch at me. I raised my hand to stop him but all I could do was soften the blow and I was thrown back towards the class.

They were barely able to get out of the way and the wall cracked from the impact of me. Blood spewed from my mouth and I collapsed onto the floor on my hands in knees. They all gasped as they got a closer look at me.

You could see the bones in my neck and face and my hair was a bright white. It was as if I aged decades. "Midoriya that enough! You're going to get yourself killed." I looked up at Aizawa and pure rage filled my eyes. "You expect me to give up when he's right there! Right there! He's finally within reach and you want me to give up!?"

His voice was filled with rage as he yelled at me. "YES! Yes, I do! Would your parents want you to die for the sake of their revenge?!" I started shacking and tears streamed down my face. "I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT THEY WANT!" He toke a step back in surprise. "I HATE THEM! THEY LEFT ME. THEY GAVE UP TOO EARLY AND THE LAST FOUR YEARS HAVE BEEN NOTHING BUT HELL. AND I. DON'T. CARE. IF. I. DIE. As long as I take that bastard with me."

He was in utter shock by what I just said. I used that opportunity to grab my scythe and take off towards the Nomu. I could hear Aizawa yell my name but I ignored him.

The Nomu met me midair and we exchanged blow after blow. Shaking the entire USJ, and shattering the nearby terrain. I cut off the Nomu's limbs again and again but he just regrew them and punched back harder. Soon the air pressure of his punches missing me were doing damage to me as well.

I flew back and he landed on the ground. I took a deep breath and let out a condensed ray of flames towards the Nomu and it shredded through what had to be his heart. He collapsed over and the smell of charred flesh toke the place of the smell of blood.

"NOW. Its dead." I looked over at Shigaraki and flew towards him with my Scythe. But right before my Scythe hit his neck, the Nomu was able to land a critical blow and I started flying backwards. But a second after it appeared above me. And I found myself chuckling as he punched me into the ground and I felt my ribs shatter and blood escaped my mouth.

"It was holding back its speed even when I wasn't using Telekinesis. Shigaraki was playing with me."

My now bloody tears started pouring out. "I never stood a chance."

Now I was just lying there on the floor of the USJ, bleeding out. I could feel my blood puddle grow quickly as the seconds went by. I wanted to look up when I heard Shigaraki laughing but I couldn't.

"I remember you now. The boy with the Necromancy quirk." My heart sunk. "The master wanted me to go recruit you saying that you have tremendous potential, and to kill your parents." Tears started flowing down my face as it got harder to breath as the blood crept up in my throat.

"I guess he was right, you have much potential. To think that you would be able to last this long against a Nomu and wipe out 75% of my forces." He started chuckling. "Not that they matter, they are all going to die anyways." Then I heard the door of the USJ break down and All Might yell "I AM HERE!"

But then there was silence before Shigaraki started laughing a hoarse laughter of pure enjoyment. "You're a little late All Might! One of your most promising student is already dying. Dying!"

"You bastard." The next thing I knew I was next to Aizawa and loud blows were being exchanged between who I can only imagined was All Might and the Nomu. A few more seconds passed, or maybe it was hours I couldn't really tell at this point. And Recovery Girl showed up and both her and Aizawa were talking to me but I couldn't understand them.

But then I saw something I never thought I would. My parents standing over me. "Izuku honey don't give up. You still have so much you can do with your life." "Common champ don't give up on us now."

Tears started streaming down my face and I was filled with hatred. Not rage, but hatred. "How could you tell me not to give up when you did so easily? How dare you. How dare you!" There is no reason to keep going. I failed. I'm never going to get a second chance so what is the point to keep going? And then everything went black.

Aizawa P.O.V.

All Might burst down the door. "I AM HERE!" But this time no one was comforted. He was too late. And Shigaraki made sure to let him know that. Soon after he brought Midoriya to us and he went to fight the Nomu.

Thirteen got everyone from the class to back up and I knelt down next to Midoriya. Now covered in his blood I grabbed his arm and told him to keep fighting. Not to give up. After what felt like forever Recovery Girl showed up with the rest of the staff and All Might beat the Nomu. Shigaraki and the rest of the league that was still standing and left with him.

Midoriya started crying tears of his own blood and Recovery Girl was getting increase nervous that he wasn't going to make it. "He's chocking on his own blood. If I don't at least solve that he will die." But even after he stopped chocking, she lost his pulse and had to do compressions.

But she had to be gentle with his now frail body. His quirk devastated it. His eyes were white and blurred as if he was blind, he had white hair that was falling out, sunken in cheeks and bones were showing over all over his burnt body.

" he worth all of this?!" I found myself crying over the dying boy Infront of me. Recovery girl checked his pulse again and looked up and shook her head at me. "H-he's dead?" She nodded her head again. "There's nothing else I can do."

I felt my heart shattered and I my tears splashed on the corpse of the broken child I wasn't able to save.

A/N: And that's the end of the beginning! This story isn't over yet. But I should explain what I mean by the end of the beginning. I split this book into three parts. Beginning, middle, and end. The USJ marks the end of the Beginning so now I'm going to the middle part of the story, which is the longest part. This is the part where Tododeku and Dadzawa really come into play so I hope you stick around for that. Anyways as always feel free to leave feedback and have a good day :)

Cold Hearted (up for adoption)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora