"Here's my card. My number is on it. If something happens, call me immediately. I don't care when or why. Just give me a call, okay?"

"I will, Ms. Chou." Momo took the card."I should leave now then. I'm so sorry for disturbing you." 

"No, thank you for telling me all of this. You didn't disturb me at all." Y/N stated and Momo smiled weakly as she made her way towards the door. It's good to see that Y/N still cares about Nayeon. Momo was expecting for Y/N to not even hear her out, but Y/N surprised her by actually listening to the things she had to say. People always say that Y/N is a charming and polite woman, and Momo can see that they're right.

"Oh Momo-ssi?"

"Yes?" Nayeon's assistant turned around.

"Please take care of her." The CEO pleaded. She can't do it herself, so she has no choice but to ask Momo.

"I will, Ms. Chou."


"Y/N-ah?" Mr. Chou said when they were having dinner but Y/N didn't answer.

"Y/N?" The man repeated but again no answer. Y/N is just blankly staring at her food.

"Unnie!" Tzuyu shoved her older sister that was sitting next to her.

"Oh sorry, what?"

"You're really out of it, aren't you?" Chaeyoung laughed.

"I'm just tired." Y/N lied. Truth is she keeps thinking about what Momo told her today. Is Nayeon really hurting herself? Y/N can't even bear the thought of it. Mr. Im already hurt her enough, Nayeon shouldn't be doing this to herself. She doesn't deserve this. Should Y/N just go and take care of Nayeon? It might make things worse but it also might make things better. Maybe if Y/N shows that she still cares about her, Nayeon will stop hurting and blaming herself. But it could also turn out the other way. Nayeon might hurt herself even more when Y/N shows up, so Y/N doesn't really know what to do. She feels like something bad will happen to Nayeon if she doesn't do something.

"Something obviously happened. Care to tell us?" Mrs. Chou raised her eyebrows.

"Nothing's going on."

"I think something happened with Sana unnie. She left crying that day when she came here." Chaeyoung mentioned. Did Sana cry? She wasn't crying when she was talking to Y/N. She probably started to cry after she left.

"What did you do to make her cry?" Tzuyu asked.

"Can you guys please stop interrogating me?" Y/N is getting a bit annoyed with the amount of questions she's getting.

"We're just worried honey." Her mother said in a sad tone which softened Y/N up.

"Sana told me she has feelings for me and you can guess what happened afterwards."

"Oh she got rejected? That's why she was crying?" Tzuyu put the puzzle pieces together.

"Why did you reject her? Don't you like her? I thought you two were a couple already." Mr. Chou furrowed his eyebrows.

"That's what everyone thought, but the two weren't actually in a relationship. They claimed that there were no feelings involved but guess that was not true." Chaeyoung sighed. 

"Yeah, I feel stupid for not noticing." Y/N looked down. She really doesn't want to lose Sana but she knows that she shouldn't get close to the Japanese right now.

"I warned you about this, didn't I?" Mrs. Chou reminded.

"Yes, you did and like always you were right." Y/N chuckled. Mrs. Chou is always right when it comes to these kind of things.

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