"And how many times do I have to tell you, you're crazy?"

"Oh, come on Em, you've got to give yourself some credit here, you're prettier than you think."

"Tess... of course you would say that, you're my friend."

"No... it's because it's true."

Tess was an inch shorter than me, but tall, big chest, big ass, but well proportioned in all the right places and I envied her small waist, her dark straight, shiny red hair, porcelain skin and green eyes. She looked like she was made for the big screen, but shy as hell.

"Ladies, let's go!"

He eyes me, but I look down, grab my bag and we go, him in front of me. Mr. Xavier DeSantos was like a Greek god in every sense of the word. 6'3'', muscular in every way possible, caramel skin, tight ass, short wavy black hair and eyes to die for. I swear every time he got near me my heart would flutter, my palms would go sweaty and my breath would get caught in my throat every time his body somehow found its way to touch me. He was one of the hottest teachers in this school; hell all the other teachers were gorgeous or hot, or even both!

When we first started here, it was pretty darn scary. Zander and I both got accepted here on our third year of high school since we were both into anything artsy and if you haven't guessed it yet, we're in art school. The most prestigious art school in the world, only the most talented and creative people made it in here. My major was fashion, Zander started as fashion, but soon turned into costume, Tess well she just liked fashion period and finally after months in our freshman year trying to convince her that she should stick with fashion design, she did.

Well back to the school, yeah the teachers were all either in the fashion, art or photography industry. you could say we were surrounded by celebrities and well it was an honor to be taught by them. Mr. DeSantos himself was a fashion model in Milan, Paris and New York, now he has his own fashion line on the side of teaching us. Some of the girls here would wear his own designs trying to impress him, get brownie points or plain old get into his pants, but from what we heard he wasn't looking. I figured he was gay.

I smirk as he turns around and looks at me.

"See something you like?"

I stop smiling and shake my head, getting into the van. Sometimes I wonder if he can hear my thoughts and as I say it, I could hear him chuckle.

"I tell you."

"Tess, shut it."

She suddenly closes her mouth and puts her head down.

"Oh stop, I'm sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Nightmares again?"

"Yeah, I just can't get rid of them and all I do is walk around the halls like an idiot."

"Have you called your sister?"

I shake my head...

"I already bother her too much as it is, I can't."

"She's going to get mad at you."

"Not if you don't tell her."

He laughs at me and wraps an arm around me, giving me a kiss on the cheek as Mr. DeSantos looks our way.

"Save it for after class."

This only makes Zander want to do it even more and does, going to my ear and making me giggle as he blows raspberries into my neck.


"Mr. York ENOUGH!"

Oooo... someone's mad now. Zander pulls his arm away from me, but once we look at each other we can't help ourselves and laugh.

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