Chapter 20 [Three Magic Words]

Start from the beginning

The mint-haired girl's tactics however proved to be flawed when the Lunarian used some of the furs on its body to grab her and literally throw her into its mane. The rest just stared wide-eyed at the strange way to capture them, but it looked quite effective so they didn't voice their thoughts. 

Y/N's eyes widen when he sees the multi-armed Lunarian grab a good hold of his Red Matter tentacles, and despite the moon being having no real facial features Y/N could tell it was giving him a smug grin, "...Shit."

And with a mighty tug, it used all four of its arms to lift Y/N high into the air, high enough with enough force to smash his body against the ceiling. Then before Y/N could even recollect his thoughts it slammed him to the ground. 

Bort was the first to make haste and rush to his aid, "Let go, idiot!"

The crimson-haired Gem could only grunt in response as he tried to quickly dissolve his Red Matter appendages, however, the large Lunarian managed to get off one final attack before he did. Instead of smashing him into the ground again it rapidly spun him in a circle like a broken yoyo and threw him far, far down the hallway of the school.

"Not again!" Y/N's voice faded out mid-sentence as he was once again thrown across the school grounds with his body sliding across the floor.

Small pieces of Y/N's body broke off as he slid head-first into a wall. The wall cracked, along with his face as his head nearly split into two, like a melon. Fortunately for him, Red Matter helped hold his body together. Although now small crystals of his body littered the floor of the hallway. He let out a disoriented grunt as he tried to find his bearings. His head was spinning from the way the Lunarian spun him in the air like a wet rag and threw him away like an old one too. He did notice though when a shadow began hovering over him. 

"Well," and the tone of voice sent chills down his spine, looks like his end is nigh, "What happened to you?"

Yep, Y/N even spotted his hallucinogen doppelganger in his peripheral vision giving him a look of sympathy before he had to divert his attention back to Rutile who had grabbed him by his arm and began dragging him towards her office

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Yep, Y/N even spotted his hallucinogen doppelganger in his peripheral vision giving him a look of sympathy before he had to divert his attention back to Rutile who had grabbed him by his arm and began dragging him towards her office. 

He saw a repaired Diamond running by, "Help."

She stopped a few meters away from them and gave him her usual cheerful smile that betrayed her actions, "...Good luck. I'll help find your pieces, okay?"

And with a defeated face Y/N was gone, dragged into the quack doc's den by the monster herself. Rutile plopped his body onto one of the wooden tables and immediately went to get some glue from the cabinet. Meanwhile, the crimson-haired male was terrified. With a sigh, Rutile placed a bowl of sticky adhesive by his side and began piecing his body back together. Y/N didn't dare utter a single word, and the only sound in the room was the sound of his body gently clicking together. Y/N rose an eyebrow when Rutile suddenly stopped, and simply kept her hands on his in silence. 

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