Pt. 2 Birth Of Darcy

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I pushed until Harry said wow and smiled. I was very weak at this point, and I gave all of my strength into reaching my arms out.

"Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Styles, the Dr. Said as she handed me my new baby daughter. I looked at Harry ad he smiled. He kissed me and our new baby names Darcy on the cheek and he cried. He cried of joy, and pure happiness.

I handed Darcy off to her Daddy and took this moment to rest my aching, vonerable body. He kissed Darcy's nose and held her very closely to his chest, snuggling her and singing old British songs into her tiny soft, fragile ears.


Sorry that was short and it took a while to upload. I'll be writing more and uploading this weekend! Please comment and vote. Please! Goodnight lovelies.

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