Chapter 5: I don't know what to do

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- Lando

*A few days later*

The new season, 2021, is almost gonna begin. I'm already in Bahrain and I didn't hear a thing from Mila. Is she mad at me? I hope not, but it will be difficult during all the races. We won't see each other alot.

Speaking about the devil, Mila calls me. I wanna pick up but I'm scared to tell her I maybe wanna keep some distance. Last night she didn't text she was home so that maybe means she feels the same about it.
Maybe I have to pick up, otherwise it will be worse I think.

"Hey Mila, why are you calling me?"

"Hey Lando, yeah I wanted to ask how it is between us, I'm sorry is didn't text you last night, I was very tired. But now you're back in business I still wanted to keep contact between us, I don't know if you feel the same."

"Uhm, yeah. I don't know. It probably will be difficult to keep contact and maybe it is to hard for us"

I do not want to tell her this, but I don't know what to do. I'm gonna get crazy if I don't see her in a long time and still keep contact.

"Ok Lando then we will keep distance. Never mind."
And she hangs up the phone.

Shit, did I screwed it up, she is definitely disappointed and mad at me. Fine, I can find an other girl.

*the next day**

I wake up and get so many flashbacks from yesterday. Mila is mad at me, doesn't wanna call or text me back. She even blocked me. I fucked up, I know that. I wanna fight for her, but here in Bahrain I'm not able to do that.

I get a text from Jon asking where I am. We need to do a track walk in 5 minutes, but I'm not even dressed. I put some blue pants on, a mclaren shirt and a cap.

We are arrived on track, it is hard to concentrate with Mila on my mind. I've never had a real relationship so maybe that is why I screwed things up. With some music on I hear Jon shouting my name again, and again. Finally I take off my headphones.

"Lando! What is going on with you? Where is your mind? Focus please, or tell me what is going on." Jon says.

"I will focus, it is nothing."

"No Lando, there is something. I don't wanna have a grumpy Lando all day."

"Ok fine, I met some girl in England and we meet up twice but then something happend and now I'm back racing again we don't talk anymore because I said I wanna keep some distance because otherwise it is hard. And now she is mad at me..."

"Oehh, Lando in loveeee. But yeah that is not so smart from you, you can see that you don't have much experience. Ok. never mind, if you are back in England you should visit her. Because I assume that she blocked you"

"Yeah, thanks Jon. And yes she blocked me."

"Fine, that is out. Now concentrate!"

We head back to my room to get ready for the race. We do some reaction tests and I put my race suit on to get outside and go for the drivers parade.

The race is in 5 minutes, I sit in my car and drive out of the pit lane to the grid. The formation lap is about to begin, on the clock it is exactly 18.00 pm and the formation lap starts. I'm starting from p7. Not bad, I hope it will change during the race.

The lights go out and I have a good start. I gain a few places and I'm just behind leclerc.
After a safety car and a virtual safety car I over overtake leclerc for p4.

And the end I'm still p4, a very good result. I'm also in front of Perez.
It was a great race. I head back to the pit lane and I do some interviews.

Luckily the hotel is close to the track and I pick up my stuff and I head back immediately to the airport. I don't know what Mila will think about me right now. It is a difficult situation. Jon said to me I should go to her. But I'm scared she already moved on a little bit.

My mom texts me that she is really proud of me. I'm happy my mom and I are really close. She is always there for me, on good days and bad days. She doesn't even know that I'm 'talking' to a girl and maybe like a girl. I've never had a whole dating story to tell. Racing is the most important thing, the rest could wait.

The cap drops me off at my house. I will go tomorrow to Mila, she is probably already asleep.
I lay in bed and think about the day, it's been a long day. I'm glad my race was good, but the fame is not very nice. Even on the airport when I'm really tired fans are coming to me. I love them all but sometimes you want some rest and that is now only home. Maybe Mila doesn't even know how this goes, she would probably not like it. If you come from a 'normal' family this can be hard to accept. Many thoughts are going through my mind and eventually I fall asleep.

*the next day*

I'm lucky I have her location still, probably she doesn't even know I have her location. I do not wanna stalk her but if she blocks me this is the only solution.

Her house is in front of me, she is home. I sit in my car and see that she is not home alone. I car I don't recognize is standing in front of her house. Who is that? It is not her mom or her dad, they are not here. I know that. I'm so scared it is a guy, that she doesn't remember me the way I do. It is an beautiful morning. The sun is shining, rare for England.

I knock on the door but I don't get any reaction. She doesn't open the door but she can't know either that I'm here.

The curtain is not hanging in front of the window. An opportunity for me to look where she is.

I look in the window, I see the living room. Not any sign of Mila. Then I notice the door to the kitchen standing open, maybe it is possible to watch if she is there. Is she even home, it has to be, her location is here.
Then I see a girl walking into the living room. That has to be Mila. But with a guy right behind here. She turns around and leans to the guy. What is gonna happen. What should I do?

**Hey guys, it's been a few days. I've been studying alot for my exams. I'm sorry you all needed to wait so long. I'm so happy to see that many of you are adding Innocent girl to there reading list. Keep doing that! And vote and comment on my chapter and let me know what you think.

I'm sorry for the many transitions to the next but otherwise the story line isn't good anymore.

I hope you guys liked it and there will be many more chapters! ***


The Innocent girl - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now