"What did he say?" She asked as I took a seat on her bed, right next to her.

"He said it was fine but I know it's not. I feel like shit because he didn't do anything, it wasn't his fault and I feel like I'm punishing him for it" I sighed out as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Albus, go help Draco with something" she said as she looked towards him.

"Do I really have to?" He groaned, complete horror on his face "I don't wanna talk with him again"

I couldn't help but release a small laugh.

"Just go dickhead" she rolled her eyes as he smiled, kissing her on the temple before leaving.

"You're lucky. Albus really does like you" I said as I looked up at her. She had a soft expression on her face, being gentle with how she looked at me, like everyone was.

"Well he fucking better" she laughed "I let him sleep in the Same bed as me and I'm selfish with the blanket"

"You are" I let out a short laugh, it didn't matter how I was feeling, what we were talking about. She never failed to put a smile on my face.

"And Draco is fine. You are fine. He understands and he's only trying to help you" she tried to assure me but I still felt shitty. I put my head down to my hands, fiddling with my finger nails as I gave a short nod.

"Why don't you try something? Do what Albus said and cook dinner, put on some lingerie. Maybe that'll help" she suggested as she reached her hand up and tucked a strand of lose hair behind her ear.

"I can't" I shrugged and looked but at her "My legs are closed for a week remember" I let out another small laugh as she bit down on her bottom lip for a moment before shrugging herself.

"So..." she trailed off "Make him want you, have some fun and make him not resist you. Maybe a little foreplay will help you" she folded her legs underneath herself, leaning up on her knees form the bed "But do it tonight. Albus and I are gonna be here today. We'll make ourselves gone and take Elora"

"Merlin" I sighed "This is fucking hard"

"Anna!" I heard the muffled sound of Draco's voice "We gotta go!" I placed my hands on my thighs and stood up, trying to see Kehlani throw herself back down onto the bed.

"There is also a naughty and nice store like 2 blocks away. Have a look in there, I did yesterday and I wanted all my money" she smirked as she drew herself up to look at me.

"Wow" I chuckled "That's— you two are really going for it. Have fun and use safe words!" I blew her a kiss as I heard her laugh form behind me.

I left their room and into the living space where Draco was with Elora and her stroller. I looked around to the far left corner where Albus stood.

"What are you doing all the way over there?" I rose an eye brow as I watched him huddle in the small space.

"I didn't want your husband saying anything more to me. I'm keeping my distance" he protested as I covered my mouth to muffle the laughter. Draco just rolled his eyes and bent down to strap Elora in.

"All I said was to remember kissing places other then her lips" Draco shrugged as he stood tall again, watching me a so looked at Albus.

"So not true!" He yelled "You told me to kiss her on the lips— just not the ones on her face—"

"Ok! We are leaving!" I swung myself around to the back of Elora's stroller and placed my hand on the black handles to push it.

"I was just trying to help" Draco mumbled as he followed behind me, walking out of the hotel room as I did.

"And I love you for that but Albus is fragile, it's like telling a child they can't have another cookie before dinner" I explained as we walked down the never ending hallway.

"You're the one who told me to do it in the first place" he said as I rolled my eyes and pushed the stroller ahead of me then let go.

"You push her" I asked, ignoring what he said "My arms are killing me"

He rolled his eyes and walked in front of me to take the same position I just was before starting to push it ahead of him.

"Thank you Chérie" I smirked, mocking the way he said it to me as I heard him laugh and shake his head.

"You are so gonna regret this"

I'm having Sm writers block Rn I'm so sorry this is trash 😭

Word count 1508.

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