"I'll save some butterbeer for you!" calls Diana, from down the Hall, as Maya snickers.

She just hopes Diana doesn't actually drink any alcohol, otherwise she'd have an entirely different problem on her hands.

My dear daughter,

I'm sorry it took me so long to write you back, a lot of work and some other stuff came up. Magnus and I miss you so much. We can't wait to see you during the break! Speaking of which, have Diana's parents agreed to let her come to New York? The Malfoys are already a troubled lot - considering how their son behaved with you at the Quidditch world cup - and the last thing we want to do is worsen things for her. Poor girl. I can't imagine what she went through after being sorted into Hufflepuff!!

How are things for you, sweetheart? Professor McGonagall tells me your grades are very consistent - always first or second rank in class. Clearly, one year of homeschooling has immensely paid off. Both of us are very proud of you. I always knew you'd do well at Hogwarts! Are you making friends? I hope no one's giving you trouble, but you know how to stand up for yourself, I'm sure.

Your birthday's coming up soon, on the 7th of December! I can't believe you're turning fourteen already - it seems as though you were learning how to walk just yesterday. I know I can't be there to celebrate it with you this year, but I'm sending my wishes in spirit! Don't worry, you're still getting presents - though I'm not specifying what they are just yet!

As you're a teenager now, you'll have a lot more freedom, as well as responsibility, and I expect that you will use it in the correct manner. People will try to take advantage of the fact that you see the good in people, and I hope you know how to differentiate between flattery and kindness. I'm not trying to scare you, but tensions are rising in the down world

. There are rumors that Valentine could rise again. People who were vehemently against his views in the past are being killed, mysteriously, with no trace of the weapon whatsoever. We aren't in any immediate danger, but the attacks are slowly getting closer to New York, which is where Jocelyn Fairchild was rumored to have disappeared.

As you know, Magnus and I were close to her in the past, just before she vanished. She had a daughter who didn't die in the fire - I can't remember her name - but the girl would be about your age now. Whoever's killing the victims could try and use you as bait to worm information out of Magnus. Even though you're safer in England than if you were here, I urge you to be cautious. Don't be quick to trust anyone. Walk in groups. Keep your head down. Don't attract the wrong kind of attention. And most importantly, never, ever, tell anyone about the fact that you can Change. I'm not trying to scare you, but at this point, your safety is my utmost concern.

Now that the hard part's over, I love you, no matter what. Always remember that. You're always going to be my daughter, no matter what happens or what you do. I trust you to do the right thing, even when it seems impossible. You have your own life, and friends, and I trust that you will use that freedom wisely. Stay out of trouble, stay away from the boys (no matter how tempting they might be), and see you on the 17th!

With love,


Maya's heart lifts as she reads the letter, then slowly sinks down into her stomach by the time she reaches the end. She carefully puts it back into the envelope, sliding it into the nightstand and locking the drawer with a flick of her wand.

She leans back on the bed, groaning into her hands. Maya's brain has short-circuted, completely overwhelmed with new information to even muster the smallest thoughts of her own volition. There's too much in her head, like rabid fishes swimming around in a tank until they crash.

in the end ~ d. malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now