I looked at Neville. He still had a great big gash on his cheek. Madam Pomfrey had done all she could. She could only stop it bleeding and numb some of the pain.
    "Yes. If he was just on the run I would of gone with him." I answered.
     "Do you know what's he's up to?" Seamus asked eagerly.
I bit my lip hesitantly.
     "Yes, I do and no, I'm not going to tell you. Believe me it's important and we can't risk that information falling into the wrong hands." I whispered to them.
    "We're part of Dumbledore's Army. You can trust us, Ro." Neville said as he squeezed my hand reassuringly.
   "I do trust you. All three of you. I trust you more then I can say, but even the bravest and most loyal people don't want to see their families be tortured. I know this is a bit hypocritical, but I need you to trust me when I say it's best you don't know." I said quietly.
I could tell they weren't happy about it but they accepted it.
Neville and Seamus then left together. I turned to Ginny.
    "Going back to the subject of boys, I barely saw Jacob over Christmas. You wouldn't know anything about that would you?" I asked Ginny with a sly smirk.
Ginny barely reacted.
    "Maybe." Ginny simply muttered as she took a sip of pumpkin juice.
I chuckled slightly.
     "I taught you too well." I said and Ginny grinned at me.
     "He was at Burrow a lot." Ginny said with a smile lighting up her face.
     "Spill. Are you to together now?" I asked nearly jumping for joy.
      "Yeah, I guess we are. You're okay with that right?" Ginny said, suddenly worried.
      "Are you kidding? Course I am! If it works out between you two we'll be officially sisters." I said and Ginny laughed in relief.

On the last day of term, Hagrid decided to throw a support Harry Potter party. I tried everything I could to get him not to do it but as usual he did it anyway.
Is this how Remus feels everything I disobey him? Hagrid managed to escape with the help of Gwarp and they were both now on the run. I managed to get a Patronus message to Hagrid to hide in the caves not far from Hogsmead. There were various caves doemwn there and Gwarp was gard to hide blue the caves should do it.
Like the Christmas holidays Winter met me at Hogsmeade Station. I was thrilled to see her as she was to see me. I still made sure I saw her everyday by sneaking into the forest in my animagus form. I was on edge the whole train ride home but no one was dragged off the train this time but there would be an even bigger shock waiting when I got home.
Harry's Point Of View:
Hermione and Ron were both convinced that the Hallows didn't exist, I, on the otherhand was heartily convinced that they did. I was certain that I was a descendant of Ignotus Peverell and Voldemort was a descendant of another Peverell brother. I was sure that the stone in Marvolo's ring was the resurrection stone and Voldemort was after the Elder Wand.
Hermione, Ron and I continued to move from place to place.
Ron spent evening after evening using his wand to beat out various rhythms on top of the wireless while the dials whirled. Occasionally we would catch snatches of advice on how to treat dragonpox, and once a few bars of 'A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love.' While Ron taped, he continued to try to hit on the correct password, muttering strings of random words under his breath.
    "They're normally something to do with the Order. Bill had a real knack for guessing them. I'm bound to get one in the end. . ." Ron told us.

But not until March did luck favor Ron at last. I was sitting in the tent entrance, on guard duty, staring idly at a clump of grape hyacinths that had forced their way through the chilly ground, when Ron shouted excitedly from inside the tent.
    "I've got it, I've got it! Password was 'Albus'! Get in here, Harry." Ron yelled excitedly.
Roused for the first time in days from my contemplation of the Deathly Hallows, I hurried back inside the tent to find Ron and Hermione kneeling on the floor beside the little radio.

Hermione, who had been polishing the sword of Gryffindor just for something to do, was sitting open - mouthed, staring at the tiny speaker, from which a most familiar voice was issuing.
   ". . .apologize for our temporary absence from the airwaves, which was due to a number of house calls in our area by those charming Death Eaters."
    "But that's Lee Jordan!" Hermione said.
   "I know! Cool, eh?" Ron beamed.
   ". . .now found ourselves another secure location, and I'm pleased to tell you that two of our regular contributors have joined me here this evening. Evening, boys!" Lee was saying.
    "Evening, River."
    "'River' that's Lee. They've all got code names, but you can usually tell –" Ron explained.
    "Shh!" Hermione said.
    "But before we hear from Royal and Romulus, let's take a moment to report those deaths that the Wizarding Wireless Network News and Daily Prophet don't think important enough to mention. It is with great regret that we inform our listeners of the murders of Ted Tonks and Dirk Cresswell." Lee went on.

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