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Hey guys! Decided to write some stuff to combat writer's block, and here we are! I hope you enjoy, and feel free to share any feedback you might have for me on the story or my writing; I always love to hear it!


Snowchester looked beautiful, this time of night.

The glassy moon shone down upon the wintry settlement, painting the tips and sides of the small structures dotting the area a fine silvery tint that glimmered slightly, contrasting the black night sky in which stars were scattered in a multitude of colors, red, yellow, white, and blue, shimmering like powdered pearls. Lanterns cast a soft light on snow-covered paths and houses, disrupting the encroaching dark of the surrounding forest, tall and looming pines that certainly held a menagerie of creatures, some dangerous; but things felt safe in Snowchester, especially from the slanted roof of Tubbo's own home, where he lay gazing up at the inky blue sky while his mind wandered.

The tranquil moment was interrupted by the crisp sound of footsteps crunching through snow. Tubbo stretched his arms above his head and sat up, surprised to see Ranboo, clad in a long, woolen coat lined with numerous buttons, trodding towards him.

The enderman hybrid waved an enthusiastic gloved hand, and began to make his way to Tubbo, cautiously climbing the rickety ladder set against the wall, pulling his lanky frame up onto the roof before scooching over, settling next to his amused friend.

"You know, you sure looked funny doing that. I guess tall people aren't made for ladders, huh?"

"Oh, shut up," Ranboo jokingly grumbled. "At least I'm not so short I need help hanging pictures on my walls."

"Whatever, you- you- tall person!"

Ranboo chuckled at the half-assed insult.

"So, what were you doing up here anyways?"

Tubbo shrugged.

"Just thinking, I guess."


"A lot of stuff. I really like it here."

"Me too."

"This is the kind of place I'd want to stay in forever."


"Yeah. It's so pretty."

"Well, I don't think anyone's stopping you from living here, like, permanently."

"No, I guess not."

"You should do it then."

"I want to," Tubbo said, turning onto his side so he was looking at Ranboo. "But I'm worried if I do, people will leave me."

"What do you mean?"

"If I stay in Snowchester, settle down here and stop traveling, I'll lose friends. They won't want to come all the way out here anymore. I'll be alone."

"Tubbo," Ranboo said, sounding incredulous. "That's not how that works. First of all, you're literally the one who built Snowchester, so no one would blame you for deciding to live here. And living somewhere doesn't mean you can't visit other places! Plus, I'll be with you. You can't be alone if I'm constantly annoying you!" He teased.

"But what if you're wrong?" He insisted. "What if you decide to... to... elope?"

Ranboo burst out laughing.

"Tubbo, do you really think I'm gonna get married anytime soon?"

"Well, I don't know, it's possible! Don't ridicule my theories! You're probably seeing someone on the side, you cheating bastard!"

The two erupted into giggles, equally aware of how ridiculous it all was.

When a comfortable silence returned, Tubbo spoke again.

"What even is marriage?"

"Marriage is like, two people who love each other a lot, 'n they want to be closer."

"Do you have to love someone, to get married?"

"Uh, I don't know. A lot of people get married and end up not loving each other as much after a while, but usually only people who like their partner do that."

"I think everyone should get married."

"Well, some people don't want to, which is ok, and some also don't have anyone to marry."

"What if people who don't have anyone to marry just married their friends?"

"I'm not sure it works that way."

"Who says so?"

Ranboo thought for a moment.

"I suppose you could do that, actually."

"Hey Ranboo?"


"Let's get married."

"What?!" Ranboo spluttered.

"You hear me. Let's get married."

"That's not how– You can't just–"

"Nope, final decision. We're getting married."


"Right now!"


"Hear ye, hear ye, Ranboo and Tubbo are to be married right now, by ordainment of the... the sky gods! Ranboo, do you wish to marry Tubbo?"

"I mean, yeah, I guess–"

"And Tubbo, do you wish to marry Ranboo?" Tubbo answered himself with a firm 'yes'. "Then the ceremony is complete!"

Tubbo grinned at Ranboo, who shook his head, an unbelieving smile on his face.

"You're insane."

"And you're married to me."

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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69 FOLLOWER SPECIAL!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें