Brothers in Blood

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Requested by sevlow39!

Requested by sevlow39!

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I'm not too happy with the way this one turned out; tell me what you think, I'd love to know!


He could smell the rotten stink of the zombie as it approached him, an overwhelming stench that made his eyes water and his stomach lurch. Tommy gripped the stick he had torn from the trees surrounding him tighter, pointing the more jagged of the two ends at his decomposing enemy. Beads of sweat trickled down his neck, dampening his shirt, the warm summer night air more muggy than pleasant.

Maybe he shouldn't have snuck out.

Or at least told someone he was leaving.

He had just wanted to get a breath of fresh air; sometimes living in a small house with his three brothers and overprotective dad could be a bit much, and was it really his fault that someone had lit a candle in the attic, the bright lighting shining from the high latticed window spooking Tommy and forcing his to take a detour into the dark woods, lest someone see him?

The zombie took a lumbering step closer.

Tommy's heart pounded fiercely in his chest, hands shaking around the branch as he jabbed it towards the monster. He could do this. He had killed zombies before. This was no different from that-- except he didn't have a sword this time.

It growled menacingly, and chills rose up Tommy's spine as he realized the sound was duplicated. He frantically scanned the trees for a second zombie, inhaling sharply when the creature lurched into sight, joining the first with a malevolent groan.

His eyes darted frantically between the monsters, breath quickening. He couldn't fight off two. There was no way he would win this, not without a proper weapon.

Tommy turned to run, but the woods around him awakened with gurgles, hisses, and the twang of a bow as an arrow embedded itself in a nearby tree.

He was so incredibly fucked.

Swearing under his breath, Tommy watched in horror as three more zombies emerged from the dark trees, hobbling closer, backing him into a small clearing.

"G-get back!" He commanded, waving the branch towards the zombies in what he hoped was a threatening motion.

Another arrow whistled by him, this time landing much closer.

The zombie closest to him made a low, guttural sound, and swiped a filthy claw at Tommy, who gasped in surprise at the sudden warmth that attacked his chest, feeling a hot liquid trickle down his torso. He fell to the ground, taking a shuddering breath, trying to collect his thoughts, but any rationality was interrupted by the searing wound.

The zombie stalked towards him, hands outstretched, and Tommy could only wonder if they would ever find his body; and then the creature stopped.

The zombie lifted its decaying head towards a peculiar sound, a rhythmic thump that was getting louder by the second, catching the attention of every monster in the clearing, as Techno burst into the clearing, riding atop a mahogany horse.

The beast barrelled straight towards Tommy, who opened his mouth to scream, but the wind was stolen from his lungs as the rider swung nearly sideways, holding onto the horse with just his legs, and stretched a muscled hand out, pulling him upwards, straight onto the back of the steed. Piercing gurgles followed him as the zombies screamed in defiance, angered at the loss of their prey; but Tommy was too busy clinging to Techno, terrified he would fall from the speeding mount if he eased his grip for even a moment, to take much notice.

His breathing wouldn't slow, and neither would his heart, as Techno rode on, galloping away from the monsters, pushing his horse until they reached the house, quickly dismounting and helping Tommy to do the same. He barely had a chance to blink before he was whisked into Techno's arms and carried inside, rushed to the attic and promptly laid on his bed.

Tommy drifted in and out of consciousness, dizzy from blood loss. He blearily watched as Techno spread a cool cream over his chest to disinfect the cuts and bandaged the wounds with a practiced expertise, working in tense silence. A glass bottle was held to his lips; Tommy recognized the foamy pink liquid as a healing potion, and gratefully drank it. The concoction restored his energy and reduced the burning pain in his abdomen, allowing his head to clear.

Unfortunately, as he returned to his senses, he was met with a frowning Techno standing over him, arms crossed and brow furrowed.

"You realize how stupid that was, right?"

Tommy gulped. Techno was going to murder him.

"Yeah..." Tommy mumbled, dreading the imminent chewing-out he was sure to receive.

"God, I'm so glad you're ok."

Tommy blinked, confused, as Techno wrapped him into a fierce hug, carefully avoiding putting pressure on his chest, but clinging onto the rest of him like...

Like he had been scared to lose him.

Tommy hugged Techno back just as hard.

"Are you gonna tell Phil about this?" Tommy whispered.

Techno didn't answer for a moment, breaking the embrace and taking a thoughtful step back.

"I think you've learned your lesson," He concluded. "Besides, it's late and I'm sure you're tired."

"Yeah," Tommy said, yawning widely.

"Goodnight Tommy." Techno said, blowing out the candle on the nightstand by his bed.

"Night, Techno."

Techno reached the door, and was about to close it, when Tommy piped up.

"Love you."

Techno smiled.

"Love you too."

69 FOLLOWER SPECIAL!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora