June, 2007 - During a vampire hunt Y/N speaks with the white wolf, who reprimands her for holding herself back in an attempt to gain the trust of her pack. She is whisked to Alaska and introduced to Claire Bedford, a witch and ally of the wolf, who explains the danger of such a thought process. It is revealed that Gordon Walker has escaped prison and that he has been turned into a vampire [s3e7]. The close the case after Sam brutally kills Gordon, leaving her feeling nervous about Sam's intentions (Hunger).

October 2007 - A pack fight interrupts a conversation between Dean and Y/N, and she races to break it up. The pack members take sides, some loyal to her beliefs, some wishing to go back to the way things were. She and Booth agree they need to give the pack something to fight for, and the white wolf applauds their quick thinking. Days later, Y/N feels a connection budding with Lorie, a new pack member, who reveals that Sasha has gone into labor. While waiting, Dean reveals what the Djinn showed him, and they mourn a family that they would likely never have (Time).

November, 2007 - The trio venture on what they assumed would be a simple hunt, serving as a break from stress. The Trickster captures Sam in a loop, forcing him to relieve Dean's death – Sam's opinion on Y/N changes when the Trickster manipulates her hunger and stress into bloodthirst, and she kills Dean. The following Tuesdays and the proceeding Wednesday, Sam is cold to her. When Dean dies and the loop fails to restart, the white wolf appears to Y/N in a human form and urges her to come find him. Months pass and Sam finally tracks the Trickster down. In a final effort to teach Sam a lesson, he teleports Y/N, now a rabid wolf who 'listened to the wrong people.' Sam kills her without remorse and the Trickster snaps him back in time (Deja Vu).

January, 2008 - Caeden, Marcus, and Y/N discuss splitting the pack for the remainder of the winter to conserve resources until the camp is developed enough to sustain everyone. Later, while on a hunt, the trio is set up by Bela, who calls the police and has them arrested. The FBI, including Agent Henrikson, arrive on the scene and prepare to take them to prison.- Henrikson's boss, now possessed, attempts to kill Dean – a fight ensues and the director is downed while the Winchesters try to explain that he had been possessed. Finally convinced that demons are real, Henrikson releases them from their cells and they prepare for the worst (Capture). The group prepares for a demon attack. When the demons finally arrive, they create a diversion and trap the demons in the building. The fight ends and the trio escapes with Henrikson's help, only to discover later that the demons killed everyone left in the police station [s3e12] (Release).

March, 2008 - In a last ditch effort to save Dean from death, the trio and Bobby research any ways to get him out of his deal. Sam summons Ruby, who gives him the demon killing knife, only for Dean to intervene and shut down the discussion. They locate Lilith, and Y/N and Bobby provide distractions when they arrive on sight. The brothers sneak in and she follows, only to get caught by Lilith in Ruby's body. Despite their efforts, Dean is killed. Days pass and the season closes with Y/N in front of his grave on the day of what would have been their one year anniversary (Bite).

As per usual, I want to offer some bonus content! Along with the bonus Ghostfacers! chapter, I wanted to share the (tentative) season 3 chapter titles with you all. These titles are still subject to change in the event I combine chapters or add news ones. I'd love to hear what theories you have about what happens this season, just by the names alone.

1. Moribund

2. The World On Fire

3. Righteous

4. It's Too Late

5. Twisted in Knots

6. Fever

7. Holy Beasts

8. Divine Monsters

9. Radio Waves

10. Limbo

11. Coin Toss

12. Pay The Devil His Dues

13. The Rapture

14. Implosion

15. Gray

16. It's Me, Again

17. Double Life

18. The Hunt

19. Unraveling

20. Son of the Morning

As always, thank you for joining me for this season! This one was rushed, but still a lot of fun. Be on the lookout for changes to the story – no major plot deviance, but certainly some extra details and foreshadowing.

Things are going to be grittier next season. I'm really looking forward to diving into the biblical side of Supernatural. Love y'all, and see you next season!

- Laurel

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now