Why Do You Care?

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The moment the truck Bobby had loaned us pulled up to the ramshackle abandoned town, I was out the passenger door and making my way towards the main hall. Marcus shouted at me as I stormed off, but gave up the moment I turned the corner between several tents. I didn't want to stick around for when the Impala would inevitably pull up behind the truck a few minutes later. Dean wanted to talk, and I wanted to do everything in my power to avoid it.

The town was just as I remembered it from so many months ago - broken down, barely lived in and yet in ruins. Now, it was far more lively, with paw prints in the dirt streets, tents and trucks and boxes littering the ground. Everywhere I looked was a skinwalker - nearly all of them ducked to avoid my gaze.

In the center of the town nestled between two rows of hills was a sort of town hall. It looked suspiciously like a barn, and had been worn down by the elements; a collapsed tree broke through its moldy roof, spilling light into the dusty, single room. I marched towards it and pushed the two large oak doors with a hefty shove. They creaked under my weight as morning light spilled into the room.

All eyes turned on me, voices falling silent as I traipsed into the room. The numerous tables once decorated with cloths to protect them from the dust were now covered in supplies. Food, medical items, blankets, all evenly divided and ready to be shared. The candles in the chandelier were lit, dimly illuminating the room.

"You're back!" shouted a cheery voice, and Sasha came bounding around the large counter at the back of the room towards me. She paused for a few seconds to mutter an order to one of the skinwalkers at a nearby table. The woman she spoke with nodded and immediately gestured for everyone to resume their work. "How'd you get here so quick?"

"Marcus has an affinity for speeding," I answered with a wide smile and extended my arms, offering her a hug that she happily took. When we parted, she spoke before I could even begin questioning her.

"The move is going good! We're getting things passed out now, moving families into some of the houses. Auggie, Hidalgo and a few others went to Casper to try and get some supplies - you know, lumber and stuff to patch some things up."

"What about food? Do we have enough for everyone?" I asked. Sasha held up a board with a piece of paper pinned to it excitedly, silencing me.

"That's another thing we're working on. Calliope's been heading the hunting trips. We've got enough for now if we ration, but she thinks maybe we could start raising some livestock," she chirped giddily. "There's a pasture near here, we just need to fix up the fence. Oh, and we're working on some electricity! It'd only be generators, and it'd probably be solar powered but we might be able to make it work."

"What about showers?" I pressed, and Sasha grimaced, wrinkling her nose in distaste.

"None of those unfortunately. We're looking to get some wells and taps, but we need the ground to thaw out. It's still pretty chilly here at night," she grumbled out the last bit, drawing her coat tighter around her. "For now, we've got a stream about a half mile east. It's freezing, but it gets the job done."

"Then what else needs to be done?" I asked as I peered around her to the dozen skinwalkers that were rushing hurriedly around the room and filling boxes with supplies. "I can help pack things-"

"- We've got enough people doing that right now."

"- Then I can carry things out to tents and the houses-"

"- There's no way I'm letting you lift anything heavy with how beat up you are."

"- There has to be something I can do to help out," I growled out, fixing her with a hard stare. She returned it with one that was just as cold and steadfast, unwilling to give in.

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader] Book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon