BONUS CHAPTER: Ghostfacers!

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This chapter does not contain any relevance to previous chapters! This is just a feel good chapter as an apology for emotional torment. Enjoy!

I hummed along to the song Dean had playing as we drove up to the front gate of the apparent haunted house. Whatever entity lived in the house seemed to enjoy trapping any trespassers who happened by the property on the 29th of February. I glanced down at the watch on my wrist, the glass partially illuminated, to find it read just after 11pm. We still had time to get inside before the house would lock itself down at midnight.

Sam readied his flashlight and pointed it out the rolled down window of the car, the beam falling on the large lock and chains barricading the gate. "Looks like the cops don't want anyone getting in," he spoke. Dean grunted and turned the wheel harshly, steering the car along the edge of the fence before turning around. "What do you think? We find somewhere to hide the car and head in?"

"Not like we can try again tomorrow," I said, nudging him playfully in the shoulder. "Stash the car and let's grab our gear!" I rubbed my hands together gleefully.

"You seem a bit too excited," Sam scolded, earning a chuckle from Dean.

"When was the last time we had something as easy as a spirit, Sam?" I pushed right back. "I'd be crazy to not be excited – this is practically a vacation!"

"You and I have very different ideas on what a vacation is," Dean joked as he parked the car in a dense grove and cut the engine. "Right, everyone out. Get your gear and let's get set up."

I didn't have to be told twice. I was already out of the car and rifling through the trunk for my bag before Dean had even finished. I double-checked the contents, knowing that we would very likely end up trapped in that house for several hours. I didn't want to leave anything useful behind.

"Any day now, sweetheart," Dean called from the edge of the grove, an amused glint in his eyes. Sam stood beside him with his own bag over his shoulder, tucking his pistol into his belt. "We don't have all night."

I pointed my flashlight accusingly at him, momentarily blinding him. "You'll be thankful for how long I took when you realize you didn't bring enough salt," I teased, falling in step beside him. He bumped my shoulder playfully as his hand dropped to his side, fingers interlocking with mine just out of view of Sam.

The walk to the house itself was short. I scowled as we approached the fence, the lock undamaged but a clear whole cut in the fence beside it. Sam scoffed once again and shook his head as he tossed his bag over the top of the fence. I passed mine to him and he did the same with it before ducking through the gap in the fence.

"Looks like there might be some brats in here," Dean grumbled as he pushed through the gap and stood upright, dusting off his clothes. "Badge up, we don't want them to stay-" I whipped out Dean's local law enforcement badge from my pocket and held it out to him. He fell silent as he saw what it was and then began patting his pockets. Several moments passed before he huffed and snatched it from my grip. "Could've sworn I had it in my bag."

I didn't bother trying to hide the smug grin.

I bit back a groan as we approached the house and saw flashlight beams bouncing across the filthy window panes from the inside. As soon as the front deck creaked underfoot, the lights indoors went out, and the hushed voices that only I could pick up fell silent.

Sam held the door open as Dean and I rushed in, flashlights and pistols raised. The main room, likely once the living room, filled with commotion as Dean shouted. "Freeze! Police officers, don't move!" his voice boomed and panicked chatter filled the silence as the five young adults scurried around the room.

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