Growing Pains

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I spun in circles around the camp, searching frantically for wherever Calliope had gone. She had disappeared wordlessly, without all the anger of Cassandra's wild form. The crowd dissipated just as quickly as it had formed, leaving me quite alone in the middle of camp.

Your first challenge, a voice rang out in my mind. I turned to face the white wolf, standing tall at the edge of the clearing, towering over the skinwalkers that passed by him, completely oblivious to his presence. I believe congratulations are in order.

That was no challenge, and certainly nothing worth congratulating, I growled back, and I swear I saw the wolf quirk a brow. Did you see where Calliope went?

No congratulations? the wolf said with a breathy laugh. He stalked forward until he was standing beside my shoulder and tipped his head so that his muzzle was beside my ear. The mark of an alpha is being able to control your subordinates. To end a fight without even shifting... I would say that is worth some pride.

I angled my own head to glare up at the wolf, a glint in his ruby eyes that I couldn't quite identify. I don't need to control them. I don't want them to fear me.

Of course not, he agreed with a dip of his massive head. But a good leader has power that no one else has. They have an unavoidable authority, one that few others want to trifle with.

Is that what you've been wanting me to learn? To have authority?

The white wolf hummed and turned to face the camp, ears pricked with interest as he watched the roving monsters, disappointed by the outcome of the fight. You are wasting your potential. I want you to learn to harness what you are.

I scowled at that and watched the camp with him. Many ducked to avoid my gaze, bruises still littering their skin from the abuse they had endured under their previous alpha. Class systems, abuse and a lust for power were not at all what I wanted to be known as. The wolf chuckled at that, nodding at my thoughts in acknowledgement.

Fear is a tool, not a weapon. With fear comes respect. His tail swished wildly once, twice, and he licked his white lips. They do not respect you beyond your title. Perhaps your handling of this fight will be your first step to winning them over. Once more, he turned his head to meet my gaze, a wry grin twisting on his lips. So, I believe congratulations are in order.

Sure, whatever. Congratulate me after I figure out what the fuck is going, I grumbled and stalked off towards the camp. Towards the edge of the rows of tents, closest to the town, was a small half-circle of tents that housed my closest companions, the original members of my once meager pack.

Scenting the air while still in my human form felt odd, nose tipped up to the air in the hopes of catching the scent of a crisp mountain winter, fir trees and snow decorating my imagination. It was a crystal clear image that screamed of Calliope and the warm clothes she sported even in hot weather, her welcoming personality and icy eyes. I traced the scent, ignoring the nervous glances I received from skinwalkers I passed.

I nodded at those I did pass, wishing the nervous ones didn't look quite so afraid, and that the curious ones didn't look as guarded. I supposed one could only hope for so much progress in just a week - I had given them no reason to trust me yet, aside from the few I had spent time with on my search for Sam and Dean. Even then, many of them didn't agree with my attachments to the humans. We had a long way to go before this pack felt whole.

The closely arranged tents of my friends finally came into view and I quickened my pace, the whole area smelling of them. My ears pricked at the sound of rustling inside one of the tents that smelled only a bit more like Calliope than any of the others. She clearly didn't spend much time there, just as I spent very little time in my own new home. It was too new and confusing, and we instead plunged ourselves into work instead of what emotions we were avoiding.

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now