"What can I do for you two?" He sighed, leaning over the counter.

"Sorry to bug you this late at night but I was wondering if you could tell me a few things about what you saw that night when Reeno and that suspicious man came into your store?"

He sighed, "I'll tell you the same thing I have told the rest of your teammates. I don't remember anything."

"You don't? Are you sure?"

"I've checked the security cameras and they've all been destroyed. Sorry kid, I don't remember anything other than the girl coming into the store in her school uniform."

"School uniform?"

"Yeah. The one from five years ago, I have a daughter who graduated this year and she's gotten a new uniform so they've changed it all up."

"Do you by any chance remember who she was with, did you get a look on the mans face or where they went after leaving your store?"

He stayed quiet, trying as hard as he could to remember and when he finally did he stood up from his chair and looked outside his window.

"They left the store and a car was waiting for them. After that they left but I didn't get the chance to see the license plate."

"Is that it?"

"Yeah. Sorry."

She sighed, disappointed yet slightly relieved that she had taken one step closer to their base.

"Thank you." She said, turning around to see Feitan had disappeared from her side. She frowned and preparing herself for anything. Whether it was to fight him again or get threatened. She walked around the store to see if he had gotten interest in any of the snacks they had except he was no where to be found.
"Shit! Did he run off?" She feared, rushing outside expecting to see her car gone but instead she saw him leaning against it, lighting a cigarette. She sighed in relief, irritated that he had left her alone when it was his idea to talk to the store manager.

"What are you doing? How did you get that?" She asked, snatching the lighter and box out of his hands. "Don't tell me you stole it."

He smiled, putting it in his mouth.

"A magician never reveals his secrets."

"You're no magician, you're a criminal." She pointed at him, pulling her cuffs out and then grabbing both his hands, making sure he wouldn't get out of her view again.

"You don't trust me?"

"Of course not. For now, you'll be with me 24/7. Except bathroom breaks." She said, putting the other cuff around her wrist and then pulling him off her car. "Didn't know you smoked that much."

"Only on special occasions." He muttered as he tried to get his hands out of the cuffs, pulling and struggling as much as he could before finally giving up.

"And that are?"

"Whenever I'm stressed."

"There's healthier ways to release stress. Smoking is-"

"Is bad for your lungs. Don't worry I've heard it all before." He said taking a puff and then blowing it directly at her face before walking off, pulling her along with him.

"Where are we going now?"

"To the alley you wanted to go to earlier."

"Didn't you say it was dangerous?"

"Yeah but you're used to that, remember? You're an officer." He laughed, blowing the smoke towards her but she pushed him away before he could get chance to.

sinful little thing // feitan portorWhere stories live. Discover now