Chapter 5: What year do you think it is?

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It was nearly dawn on the final day of Vladimir’s curse. He spent his day in his old room; rethinking about what he told Jessiabell. Nothing much was happening the castle was quite too quite. A scream was heard all throughout the castle it awoke Jessiabell, and alerted Vladimir. Jessiabell jumped out of bed, and ran to the source of the scream. Vladimir rushed out of his old room, and to the sound of the scream. Jessiabell was ahead of Vladimir, when she came to the source it was a maid dead on the floor from a stabbing to the side. Behind Jessiabell something even worst was present. It was the murderer; Casimir. He placed a hand of Jessiabell’s mouth.

‘’Quite Jessiabell, no need to alert the prince.’’ He laughed. Jessiabell was unarmed, and tried to play her cards right. She bit Casimir’s hand, and pulled his sword out of its case. Jessiabell pointed it at him, and Casimir held his hands up in surrender. ‘’You got me, but your already too late.’’ He smirked. At that moment Jessiabell heard more screams from the courtyard below. She walked over to the nearest opening. What she saw was horrifying. It was the remaining people in Casimir’s army killing off everyone; from villagers to soldiers and families to servants. ‘’You monster!’’ she screamed.

‘’Oh I’m the monster here.’’

‘’Yes! Vladimir might look like a monster, but he is not one. You are more of a monster then he ever is or will be.’’

‘’You can end it right now Jessiabell. Come with me, and put an end to this.’’

‘’What care do you have for me?”

‘’You signed over to my army, your now ignoring your promise you made to me, and besides are you really going to ignore what happened.’’

Casimir started walking closer to Jessiabell. He was a few inches taller, and had to look down to see straight into her blue eyes. “Do remembered what happened between us?” His voice was calming, but something about it made Jessiabell feel uneasy. “How can I forget, I’ve been trying to burn it out of my memory for the past three years.” Jessiabell fired back, still aiming her sword at Casimir. “Come on Jessiabell, I haven’t been able to forget.” Casimir went in, and tried to kiss Jessiabell.

Vladimir finally arrived, and knocked Casimir to the ground. ‘’Run!’’ he screamed, and for once Jessiabell listen. She began running, to an unknown destination. Vladimir ignored Casimir, and flew down to save his people, but it was too late. Everyone in the courtyard was dead. In anger, Vladimir began killing off Casimir’s army once again. His eyes turned red automatically, and his fangs reappeared. He toke a random sword from the ground, and begun his fight.

Jessiabell on the other hand was still running. Casimir got up, and began his search for Jessiabell. ‘’Oh Jessie!” he called out. ‘’Where are you?’’

Vladimir on the other hand was fighting a losing battle. He just didn’t know it yet. When everyone else was either dead or fled for their life; Vladimir was left fighting Barton’s second in command. ‘’Now I heard you were a monster with the strength of a hundred men. You don’t look like a monster, just a man who’s ready to lose.’’ Vladimir’s anger was his only energy source. He charged for the man, and they met with the clash of two swords. ‘’Casimir has a plan.’’ ‘’Is it to lose?’’ Vladimir asked. Every time he swung his sword, the other man only blocked it. ‘’I would be carful of what you say.’’

            Jessiabell was still running in different directions, and eventually forgot her path. She didn’t stop until she found a bow, and arrow hanging on the wall. She grabbed the bow, and the single arrow. Jessiabell begun running again, it wasn’t until she got to an opening when she knew she was in trouble.

            The battle continued down in the courtyard. The sun was starting to rise, and Vladimir started to get weak. Vladimir knocked the man to the ground, and rushed for the shadows. It didn’t knock the solider out completely, it only set him back. When he got up, he began looking for Vladimir. ‘’A coward I see. Too bad I won’t be able to tell Jessiabell.’’ At that moment, Vladimir jumped out of his hiding spot, and shoved his sword right through him. The man was then dead, and at that moment Vladimir knew this wasn’t a fight against his life, but a distraction.

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