Chapter 2: 1689

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Three years have passed since Vladimir, and Jessiabell first met. Vladimir never told Jessiabell to leave, so she never. She remained in the castle for what seemed like forever. The prince has recently turned 24, and Jessiabell isn’t afraid. Casimir’s legend turned out to be just that a legend. Vladimir also hasn’t been listening to old friends of his. Vladimir completely ignored his own wishes, and fell in love with Jessiabell. There destine to be married in less than six months, after the so called ’curse’ pasted.

Jessiabell was now out by the garden in an old blue and white dress that belonged to her mother. Her brown hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, and her beautiful bangs were getting in her way of drawing in the same drawing pad Vladimir gave her three years ago. She was now drawing a tiny red rose on the verge of blooming. Jessiabell never drew flowers that are about to wilt or little saplings. She didn’t like endings or beginning, because she thought beginnings were too slow, and endings meant that it was ‘The End’. It’s the journey that makes the trip special. The journey made the endings seem non-existent. That the world will go on forever.

Vladimir was looking for Jessiabell in her room, the same room he gave her three years ago. He knew just where to find her, if she wasn’t in her room she was either in the court yard training with some poor soul, or in the garden drawing. Vladimir wondered to the garden, and that’s exactly where she was. ‘’Hello, my dear.’’ He called out to Jessiabell. Jessiabell wasn’t listening she was too busy drawing to look up, all she said was a simple hello that could barely be heard. Vladimir walked up to Jessiabell, and toke the drawing pad right out of her hands. ‘’Hey!’’ she yelled. ‘’I see you’ve forgotten your un-emotionless ways, but some things never change.’’ He joked referring to the fact that she still draws flowers. Vladimir looked at her drawing with great detail before giving it back.

He noticed how Jessiabell was an extraordinary artist. She managed to get every last detailed. ‘’Jessiabell, you find beauty in the strangest things.’’ ‘’So I do.’’ She joked taking back her drawings.


‘’Ewwww what’s up with all this take about Jessiabell. Get to the good part with the vampires, and the fighting, and the war!’’ Henry demanded. ‘’No way I like Jessiabell, I can talk about her all I want!’’ Cassidy shot back defending her favorite character. ‘’Well isn’t the story supposed to be able Vladimir?’’ Henry asked in a-matter-of-fact way.

‘’Aren’t you too old for bed time stories?’’

‘’No! And why do you even like Jessiabell, so much. Get to the real story about Vampires, and Halloween.’’

‘’Halloween isn’t about Vampires, besides Twilight ruined that forever.’’

‘’Then what is Halloween about?’’ Henry asked. Cassidy didn’t exactly know the answer, but she also isn’t one to look dumb. She quickly came up with a decent answer. ‘’Ahhh, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.’’ Cassidy lied. ‘’No it’s not. Forget it just finish the story it’s getting late.’’


Vladimir came to tell Jessiabell about his ‘cruse’. He’s been putting it off for quite some time now, and he wants her to be prepared for what’s to come. ‘’Jessiabell?’’ he mustered out. He doesn’t want her to think any less of him, just because he’s ‘different’. ‘’Yes?’’ She said without looking up from her drawing. ‘’Your majesty?’’ a badly-wounded guard approached the two with terrible news. He looked as if he just came back from battle. He was even bleeding a little on the side of his face. ‘’Yes, what is it?’’ he asked very concern, and grateful that there conversation was interrupted.  ‘’Your friend Charles,’’ he was stuttering as he talked, still shaken up from what he just experience. ‘’Yes?’’ ‘’He’s dead.’’ He shot the words out, as fast as he could. Vladimir was in complete shock. Jessiabell was still used to people dying, it was nothing new. She’s been in war for so long, she’s used to it. But Charles dying is not like any other soldiers dying. He was Vladimir’s best friend.

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