Chapter 3: 1689

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Jessiabell has been waiting for Vladimir all day, and was starting to get worried. Normally she wouldn’t worry so much, but with Casimir out there, and Vladimir curse. Worrying is very appropriate at this point.

It was getting to be around midnight, and most of the guards, and servants have gone to bed. Jessiabell was back in her own room, in Transylvanian battle armor from her long day of training. She walked out to her balcony, and looked out onto the lifeless night. The only light from the castle was coming from her room, and the only light coming from the night was the moon shinning down on the land. In the distance she saw a single bat flying towards the castle. The bat landed on the balcony in front of Jessiabell. ‘’Maybe you’ve seen my prince?’’ She joked. She then walked back inside, went back to her desk to finish up her drawings.

‘’Well now that you mention it, prophase I have seen him.’’ She turned, and saw Vladimir standing on the balcony. ‘’Vladimir, please humor was never your strong suit.’’ Jessiabell went back to her drawing, as if Vladimir was never there. Vladimir walked up to Jessiabell and put his hand on her shoulder. ‘’So you’re not angry with me?’’ he asked. ‘’ What for?’’ she replied as calmly as she could be. ‘’For being out so late.’’

Jessiabell gently put her pencil down, and put her hand on Vladimir’s. ‘’Oh no I’m not mad… I’M FURIOUS!’’ she screamed. Her anger was not what Vladimir expected.  Vladimir backed away slowly, as Jessiabell approached. ‘’Jessiabell, I think it’s best you stay away from me right now.’’ He begged. ‘’Oh No, first you’re gone for over half a day, and now you tell me to stay away?!-‘’ ‘’I’m serious this time, please leave.’’ Vladimir head was pounding the more Jessiabell yelled. ‘’Jessiabell… please.’’ ‘’I was worried half to death!’’ Jessiabell continued yelling, but Vladimir tuned her out, because the ringing in his head was, so much louder.

At that point Vladimir had sharp fang, like teeth that could cut through anything. His anger got the best of him, and he pushed Jessiabell against the wall with his new found strength.  Jessiabell anger was gone, and replaced with fear. Vladimir’s eyes turned to blood red, and Vladimir was gone, and was replaced with a mindless creature. ‘’Vladimir.’’ Jessiabell whimpered. As if her voice was awake up call, Vladimir snapped back to reality, and his fangs disappeared.

‘’I’m sorry,’’ he muttered, and released her. ‘’Are you, sick?’’ Jessiabell asked. ‘’No, well… sort of.’’ Vladimir was trying to explain to Jessiabell once, and for all what was really happening to him. ‘’it’s a curse, my ancestors made a grave mistake, and for three days I turn into… a monster. I don’t want to hurt you Jessiabell.’’ Jessiabell saw the worry in his eyes, and she wanted to be mad, but her anger was gone. ‘’I need to go.’’ Vladimir started to leave, but Jessiabell stopped him. ‘’Wait can you at least tell me, how this happened so soon.’’

Jessiabell knew the minute she said that, she would regret it. Vladimir doesn’t know that she knows about his cruse. ‘’What.’’

‘’No, never mind. Forget I said anything’’

‘’How did you know about the curse, I never told you-‘’

‘’Stories; In the English army. Word got around, and I never thought it was true until now.’’

‘’you’re a terrible Jessiabell. Now I’m going to ask you one last time.’’

Vladimir got closer, and Jessiabell started backing away. Not because she was afraid of him, but because of what could happen if he went mad again. ‘’Who told you.’’ ‘’Three years ago, I was alone in my room weeks after the last war, and General Barton told me a ‘’fairy tale’’ about you turning into a monster, and I didn’t want to believe it, but-‘’ ‘’Wait, general Barton!’’ he screamed, as Jessiabell knocked down her desk chair trying to get away from him. ‘’Yes, Casimir-‘’ ‘’Oh so are you two on a first name bases now.’’ ‘’No! of course not, I demise him for what he has done.’’ ‘’He was here, and you never told me.’’ Vladimir was getting angry again, and his eyes were beginning to turn red again.

‘’I didn’t think it was necessary, there has already been enough blood shed. Even if it was Barton’s there didn’t need to be anymore.’’ Vladimir’s fangs have appeared once again. Now they were outside on the balcony again, as Jessiabell continued to back away. Jessiabell got to the point where she couldn’t walk anymore, and was stopped by the balcony’s railing. Without knowing what to do Jessiabell panicked, and punched Vladimir as hard as she could in the face. Hoping it would bring him back to his normal self. Vladimir face was now bruised up, but he was in very little physical pain. All his wounds healed up in a matter of seconds almost as if nothing had happened.

‘’What are you?’’ Jessiabell quietly asked, not hoping to receive an answer. At this point her fear was gone, and her old soldiers’ ways were resurfacing in a time of peril. She stood tall, as she tried to handle the situation. ‘’I’m Vladimir,’’ he laughed. ‘’Only better.’’ He then pinned Jessiabell down on the railing, pulling her hair down on the other side. Vladimir could practically hear the blood pumping threw her veins, and couldn’t resist the thirst he was warned about. ‘’I know you’re a good man Vladimir.’’ Jessiabell spoke without fear. ‘’You wouldn’t hurt me when I was your enemy I know you won’t hurt me now. Please.’’ Vladimir loosen the grip on her hair, and his eyes faded from the evil red it was, and his thirst for blood was forgotten.

‘’I’m sorry,’’ he whispered, it was almost impossible to here. He then ran out, leaving Jessiabell alone on the balcony. ‘’Wait!’’ She called out, before Vladimir left. ‘’It seems that it is anger that causes you to change’’ she walked up to Vladimir, and grabbed his arm. ‘’Why don’t we try to reduce your anger.’’ Jessiabell pulled Vladimir out of the room, and they walked all the way to the ball room.

‘’Jessiabell please, dancing is not going to help. You know we both have two left.’’ ‘’That’s what makes things interesting.’’ Jessiabell lead Vladimir to the middle of the room, where the two began dancing. Vladimir and Jessiabell continuously stepped on each other’s feet. ‘’How are you feeling?’’ Jessiabell asked. ‘’Less angry, but more embarrassed.’’ He replied. Jessiabell laughed, and the two stopped dancing. ‘’It’s late, I’m going to go to sleep.’’ ‘’Good night then.’’ At that Jessiabell left, and Vladimir was left alone.

He was worried for Jessiabell’s safety. He didn’t want to hurt her. Another problem was Casimir. First he killed his friend, and now he caused his curse to surface earlier than expected.  ‘’My prince.’’ Vladimir thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a guard. ‘’Yes, what do you want at this hour?’’ ‘’I apologize for disturbing you so late, but General Barton sent a message.’’ The guard handed him a piece of paper. The guard left soon after that letting Vladimir read the message.

Why hello there Prince.

I’m sure this needs of no introduction, so I’ll get right to the point. Our countries have been at war for so long. You were lead to believe that the last war was indeed the last, but that is no longer true. I have an army now, and you’ll see to it that you do to. Oh I hope three days time is enough. I wouldn’t want to see poor Jessie or Jessiabell as she goes by know get hurt by your actions. I can see how that could be the problem since even though she might not act that way anymore, she is still a solider. She still wants to make sacrifices. I told her I would come back for her. She was indeed a solider for my army first, and I’m just following out on the deal she made with me all those years ago, when she sacrifice herself for her family. Ohh I can see how you like her so. Here’s my proposition, send Jessiabell to me, and no one will get hurt. Now is the prince really going to sacrifice the lives of his people, for his true love? Kind of cliché isn’t it. Besides you wouldn’t want your anger take over, and hurt her now would you?

~General Barton

Vladimir needed nothing else. He crumped up the note, as he tried to retain his anger. Knowing Barton was returning meant trouble for him and Jessiabell. He then vowed to himself then and there, that he will protect his people, and Jessiabell, and bring down Barton once and for all.


‘’Barton… where have I heard that name before.’’ Henry was thinking out loud, and Cassidy wasn’t too happy out it. ‘’No, you’ve never heard it before.’’ ‘’Well there’s Hawkeye, but there’s someone else.’’ ‘’There’s no one else Henry, just drop it!’’ Cassidy was being too defensive. He was bound to find out. ‘’Didn’t you have a crush named Trent Barton?’’ ‘’NO!...’’ Cassidy’s face turned pink, and she started blushing. ‘’Hahaha! I was right!’’ ‘’Shut up.’’

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