CHAPTER 8 - The killing moon

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Deidara's POV

Scarred lips, pointy hair, that unique smell that fills his lungs. That silent head tilt. Deidara cannot get these images out his mind, no matter what. He has never been so obsessed with something besides his art like he is with the orange idiot now. As much as he tries to focus his mind on acting cool he can't help feeling flustered around the man.

Deidara has never had a crush before. Sure, he has found people to be pretty, but he never felt like his chest was about to burst for someone like he feels now. He just does not know how to act, so he just hides his face and try not to be so awkward. The artist also does not know how to deal with the fact that he wants to be someone for a long period.

Things are supposed to be brief and explosive right? Why do I want to have him by my side for longer? An explosion that keeps exploding. He remembers Tobi's words on that day, but even so everything still leaves him with mixed feelings.

Since missions are slow these past days they fall back into the routine of Tobi watching Deidara sculpt. What used to be something soothing for the artist now makes him flustered to no end, since he is locked in a dim room with the reason of his despair. Tobi seems to catch up that something wrong and says:

"Are you ok?"

His voice is so different without the mask...

Deidara snaps himself out of it and without turning, he gives his partner a response:

"I'm feeling a little bit tense these past few days, that's all, hm."


"Something is on my mind, something that goes everything I believe in, I'm confused"

"I... I understand. Same thing is happening to me, senpai"

"What did you do about it?"

"At first I denied it with all my force. But I guess there's stuff that we just can't deny, we just have to maybe live in the moment and embrace it, like you do with your art."

"Maybe you're right, but what if the person..."

"Oh, there's someone!" Tobi immediately puts on his mask and gets on Deidara's face, like a curious schoolgirl. "Who is she?"

"None of your business dumbass! And if you really need to know, I'm not interested in that in the slightest."

Obito's POV

Later that night, each one lay on their respective beds, well, Deidara in a futon on the ground and Tobi in his bed. Deidara, who usually prefers to sleep by himself, has made himself comfortable in Tobi's room. He said that "It's less hot in here, hm", so Obito will not question him.

He hears shuffling by Deidara's side when he is almost drifting into sleep and wakes up again. He hears intently and his partner seems to be breathing quite heavily.

"Senpai." He whispers. "Are you okay?"

"Cold, hm"

"But I thought you wanted to sleep in here because it was cooler." Obito smiles softly behind the mask.

"Cooler, not FREEZING you nut!"

"So... you want more covers?"

"No, hm."

"Do you want to go to your room?"



Deidara sits up and looks at Tobi with a weird look on his face, it was dark and Obito could not see it properly, and he was not going to risk activating his sharingan in front of the artist like that. Looking down Deidara approaches his bed and moves his arm saying:

"Move, yeah?"

"Not fair senpai, Tobi is not going to sleep on the ground"

The artist mumbles something about Tobi being dumb and just lifts his cover. In a swift movement he drops himself beside the masked man in bed and turns around not to face him. Obito tries to control his panic the best he can, but this is just too much. Deidara is so close that he has to try to calm down so that the blonde nin does not hear his heart exploding.

Is he trying to...? No could not be. Deidara would never... For someone like me. Right? RIGHT?

Deidara's feet touch his under the cover. They're very warm, so the whole cold thing might as well have been a bluff. Obito thinks to himself that he has nothing to lose here, in the case that Deidara gets mad he can just blame his sleepy mind.

He gets a little close and wraps his arm in the artist's waist slowly, expecting to be met with infernal screeching and explosions. Deidara surprises him again by intertwining his fingers onto Tobi's, leaving out a sigh.

Needless to say that Obito did not sleep that night.  

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