Deion sat next to me and started dressing up the paper. That's what my brother used to say.

From the other side of the meeting room, 3 other men and 2 girls walked out.

" Look who it is! ", one of them cheered. Deion smiled and shook his head. I slouched down in my seat as everybody came over to say hi to Deion. I eyed the girls as they looked at me and whispered to each other.

" Who's this? ", he continued pointing at me grabbing a tray also. Deion looked at me waiting for me to introduce myself.

" I'm Kaycee. ", I answered giving him a tight lipped smile. He smiled, " You seem nice and innocent, why Doom goofy ass got you working for him? "

Deion smacked his lips, " Fuck up Trell. " Trell laughed and sat down next to one of the girls. Deion started licking his dressed paper closed and I watched him, " So we gone talk business or y'all mfs gone waste time? I got shit ta do. "

" Dayum! Our fault Mr. Business man, we ain't know you had other shit to do. ", the one sitting across from me teased putting his hands up. I chuckled to myself a little.

I looked over and looked at the guy who hasn't said anything. He was staring at me until he looked away.

I don't know what this " meeting " is about and I kinda don't wanna know... but I still pull out my book and get my pen ready. I'm gonna do what I was asked to do regardless.

Keeping this job is super important to me.


" And I forgot to tell you... whatever we speak about in there, stays in there. Don't discuss none of that nowhere other than in that office. ", Deion announced to me placing fries in his mouth. " Okay. ", I reply softly.

He looked through my notes notebook and raised an eyebrow, " Why you write so much? " He looked at me and chuckled. " I said only the important shit Kaycee. "

I pushed a fry into my mouth, " Well I didn't know what you consider to be important and not important so I wrote down everything. "

I look around at the empty restaurant we were at. When we were walking in the restaurant there was a closed sign on the door but Deion somehow had a key.

" How do you have a key to this place? ", I ask picking around at my food. I was full and ready to lay down. He swallows his food and picks up his phone. He doesn't answer me so I just leave it alone.

" For you to be such a demanding person, you don't talk much. ", I alleged barely above a whisper. The only time he talks to me is when he's telling me to do this or do that... which I guess makes sense since he's my boss but that's all he says.

He never asks questions to get to know me like my last boss did. I would assume your boss would try to know who you are and your personal life but, Deion never asks me about mine.

He wiped his mouth and took a sip from his milkshake," Ain't nun to talk about. "

There is though. I wanna know a lot about him. He has this mysterious vibe to him and I wanna talk about the things that were discussed in that office. This isn't a regular assistant job.

I scoot my plate over to the side and pull the stack of papers I had to go over for Deion. They were all bills and receipts. I was almost done, I just had to make sure the prices matched.

A lot of these papers were using the word ' ST ' and ' loads '. I don't know what ST stands for but it's used a lot.

" Why you not eating yo food? ", he questioned raising an eyebrow at me. I shrugged, " I don't know. I'm full. " I went back to the papers.

" You ain't eat nun doe so how you full? ", he continued to probe. I rolled my eyes and continued to tend to the papers. He pulled them from in front of me and put them in the seat next to him.

I mugged him, " Why'd you do that? " He slouched down in the booth, " Cause I'm talking to you and you was ignoring me. Ion play like det. "

I crossed my arms and slouched in my booth, " So you can ignore me but when I do, it's a problem? Noted. " I nodded my head and he chuckled.

" Take me home. ", I snapped. He was about to irritate me and I didn't wanna say or do anything that could risk my job. I cant afford to lose this chance at helping my mom out.

" Ride ain't here yet. ", he snapped back at me. I pulled my phone out and looked at the time. It was almost 12 and I was still out with Deion. I was supposed to be home 2 hours ago.

" We gone have to do sum cause we not finna start snapping at each other like this. We both need you to have this job. ", he told me leaning up to the table. I still had my arms crossed, the thing about me is I hold grudges.

" Why do you need me to have this job? ", I mumbled still mugging him. He pushed his plate in front of him and started digging in his pocket, " I called around about you, you a hard worker and shit. You handle what you supposed to and I can't ever find nobody like that. "

I stopped mugging him and I dropped my arms. Never heard him say anything sort of nice before. The waiter who just happened to be closing up when we walked in walked up to our table. Deion handed her an $100.

" Keep the change. ", Deion told her putting his wallet back in his pocket. The waiter looked at Deion then at me. I shrugged.

" That's like- like a $80 tip... ", she stammered. Deion nodded, " I know yo. " She smiled and turned on her heels.

His phone dinged and he looked at it. He grabbed the papers and started getting up so I assumed the ride was here. He waited for me to walk in front
of him and we walked out to the limo. He opened the door for me and I climbed in then he did.

He handed me the papers, " We gone talk about us snapping at each other later yo, ight? " I nodded and looked out the window, " Alright. "

" Roddy, drop her off first. ", Deion instructed him. He nodded and Deion closed the window that was between us and the front seats. He relaxed in the seat and got on his phone.

I really don't know what I'm getting myself into with this job...

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