Chapter 35: Seeing him again

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You drop your bat and run up to him. But then you stop. You were scared. I mean, didn't he just "dump" you earlier. He looked at you with concern as he ran up to you and embraced you. Now you were totally confused. But you didn't push him away. He hugged you tightly and let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad I have you back." He said.

That's when you pulled away and confronted him.

"Excuse me? First, you said that I was worthless and you didn't need me anymore after I told you the location. And now you're suddenly back here and happy to see me again?! I don't get it!"

His face showed a mix of offense and confusion.

"I was awake for 2 days!"

He suddenly barked at you now showing that he is really offended.

"I was trying to find you this whole time because I needed you. I was able to contact Nancy thanks to your little... friend."

Do you mean Kyle? You winced in your head.

Freddy nodded, reading your mind.

"I lured Nancy in and she fell for it, staying awake sure takes away your critical thinking."

He chuckled at the last. But he quickly dropped his smile.

"Or at least that's what I thought. It seems that it was Alice, she took on Nancy's appearance and came to me. But thanks to you I was able to handle that."

He gave you a small smile

"And that's how I'm here. Now, where did you get the idea that I "dumped" you!?"

He quoted your previous thoughts.

You looked down at your feet in embarrassment.

"You heard those thoughts too?"

You murmured.

Freddy walked up to you and lifted your chin.


He rasped, now with a bit more sympathy.

"What happened?"

You don't know what took over you but you just burst into tears and shoved your face into his chest.

Freddy was taken aback.

"What the- hey, are you ok? What happened?!"

He tried to pry you off but you held on tight, letting all of your anxiety out.

Freddy caved in with a deep sigh and patted your head while you finished up your tear fest with loud sobs.

You finally let go of him and wiped away your last tears. You felt much better.

"Heh, sorry." You sniffed

Freddy just rolled his eyes and shrugged it off.

You take a deep breath and tell him everything. How you got betrayed by Kyle, how Nancy kidnapped you and is now keeping you locked up in some white cell with electric lights and no food or water. And how you fell asleep and 'Freddy' came to you and told you he doesn't need you and you woke up crying and then fell asleep again out of exhaustion and now you're here.

Freddy slowly nodded along to everything you said and after you were done, without missing a beat, he spoke.

"It was Alice. She decided to try and create a diversion. She knew about us so it's pretty clear that she and Nancy are working together."

"Oh yeah, I wanted to ask, who is Alice?" You cocked your head.

Freddy nodded.

"Alice was one of the Dream warriors. Well sorta, I killed them all off but because some of them were her friends she somehow inherited their dream abilities and now she's like a dream master, she's the only person who's very good in the dream realm almost like me when I have 20% of my power."

He glanced away in embarrassment.

"She's improving, however. Shapeshifting and managing to carry that form into the real world is pretty tricky."

You nod along. "Yeah, she had some good tricks up her sleeve."

Freddy glared at you.

You shook your head.

"Don't worry! I promise we'll get her back!"

Freddy smirked at that statement.

"Actually you already did. When you hit her back there with that bat? Yeah, she took that hit."

You gasped in awe. Wow. Freddy took you by the shoulders and you felt a sort of power pulse through your body. You were teleported through the dream realm to Charlie's old barn. Freddy let go of you and went to check on Alice in the barrel. You look around, full of joy that you were out of that cell. But you were quickly interrupted by your call of nature. You did your business in the corner of the abandoned barn and came back out to see Freddy dragging out Alice's body out of the barrel, her head covered in blood from the blow you gave her. She was unconscious.

"Well." Freddy grinned. "What should we do with her?"

You shrugged. Freddy ignored you dragging her by her shoulders.

"You take her legs. We will drag her to your car and then I'll hide her car in the nearby forest while you wait for me. Then we'll figure out what to do from there."

You nod and do as he said.

A/N: 14K READS??? I DIDNT NOTICE THAT WOW OMG THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY FAN FIC!!! Hope you enjoy this chapter, I really enjoyed writing it. Did you like my twists and new characters?? XD
hope you did! Anyway thanks for reading, be sure so comment, they really motivate me! 💖

Published: July 17 2021

Edited: Nov 5 2021

To Fear or to Love?  Freddy Krueger fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin