The End.

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Draco's POV:

I woke up beside Venus, in a bed that belonged to neither of us. I looked around the room, it was much smaller than our dorms. The bed we were lying in was in the wrong corner of the room. The window was open and the sun was shining in. There was a chest of drawers in the corner that was over-flown with Vee's and I's clothes. On top of the drawers was our wands.

I could hear someone else in the house. But I started to focus on Venus beside me.

She looked warm, she was lying on her back with her head turned and resting slightly on my shoulder. Her hair was fully dry now, it surrounded her like a bush.

Her nails were painted black, had they always been painted black?

She was wearing one of my shirts, who had changed her out of her dress?

Her cheeks were slightly flushed.

She just looked warmer than usual.

It was almost as if she hadn't ever been touched by the cold.

I was still in the same clothes I had worn last night. My stomach felt tight. But there wasn't any wound to worry about.

The room looked strangely familiar. Strangely like home...

The noise downstairs had made me lose my train of thought. Someone was humming, and moving around pots and pans.

I sat up at the edge of the bed, the bed creaked as I moved. The timber floors were cold against the soles of my feet.

I pushed myself off of the bed and made my way out of the room. As I opened the door and looked out onto the staircase a wave of deja vu washed over me.

I walked groggily down the stairs, there was a door at the bottom of the stairs which I assumed to be the front door. As I looked into the hallway next to the stairs I saw two other doors.

The noise was coming from the door that was straight ahead of me. I slowly walked to the door and pushed it open to walk into a quaint kitchen.

The cupboards were a light green and the walls were a cream colour. There was an island in the centre of the kitchen. And standing with her back to me on the other side of the island,

Was Narcissa Malfoy.

'Morning Mother.' I put out. She jumped at the sound of my voice, but she quickly turned around with a smile on her face and hurried over to me. She pulled me into a big embrace and I welcomed it.

'Oh I haven't seen you in so long, look at you!' She exclaimed.

'Watch the blood on my shirt, I didn't change.' I laughed.

'Oh.' She said slowly and pulled away from the hug, checking she hadn't gotten blood on her dress. 'I apparrated you two here once you had fallen asleep. I brought some clothes too. I'll write a letter to the headmaster tomorrow to explain that you won't be returning to school.

'Where are we Mother?' I hesitated

'Edinburgh darling. I can't count the number of times I told you to take a break from school and come to the cottage. It's yours, so your Father doesn't know about it.' She explained

'Lucius isn't my Father.' I rebutted

'Then am I not your Mother?' She hit straight back

'You treated me like a son. That's what makes you my Mother. I moved away from the Malfoy's for a reason. And if you couldn't tell. Lucius was the reason.' I grumbled.

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