The Visit.

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I woke up next to Draco. His hand still rested on my thigh, his knuckles still covered in blood. I was stiff from the cold water in the lake. I crawled slowly out of the bed, groaning as I moved my legs.

I walked slowly to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I took my pyjamas off sluggishly before I turned on the shower. Hot for once. I tied my hair up into a messy bun on the top of my head, pulling two coils of hair out in the front to frame my face.

I opened the glass box and stepped in. I let the hot water run over my back and heat up my skin that was still cold to the touch. I stood there, just letting the water wash over my skin for ten minutes before I picked up the bar of soap and lathered it in a wash cloth. I dragged the wash cloth all over my body slowly, aches and pains making themselves known as I moved.

I stood under the water to wash the suds off my frame. I opened the shower door and stepped out, wrapping myself in the black towel on the rack at the same time.

'Morning Smith.' Draco was leaning against the sink, he was in his boxers while holding a towel in one hand.

'Morning Malfoy.' I said coldly before I walked out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

I got ready while Draco was in the shower. I waited for him on the bed, fiddling with the sleeve of my knitted jumper.

After another five minutes Draco came out of the shower with wet hair and a towel slung off his hips.

'Get dressed we're going to apologize to Theodore.' I kept looking down at my hands.

'Venus Eleanor-'

'Do not use my second name Draco Lucius. Next time the name Eleanor comes out of your lips there's gonna be a stick shoved so far up your arse it'll be making its way out of your mouth.' I scoffed

'Smith I'm not apologizing for what I did. He deserved it.' He rolled his eyes as he started to get dressed.

'Don't roll your eyes at my Malfoy. If you won't apologize then I'll go down to the infirmary and do it myself.' I stood off the bed and walked over to the door before I muttered

 'Stuck up ferret'

I slammed my dorm door behind myself and started to walk out of the common room.

I made my way out of the dungeons and towards the infirmary.

As I walked in I saw Theodore, his face swollen and covered in little cuts.

'Looking well Nott.' I said, hoping to diffuse the tension. I sat down beside his bed.

'You're lucky I'm no snitch Smith. Your boy toy would've been expelled by now if I had told them who it was.' He scoffed.

'Look I just came down to apologize, Theodore. I'm sorry for what Draco did.'

'Why are you apologizing? Your lap dog attacked me, not you.'

'Watch your mouth Theodore you're lucky I didn't join him. I don't have anything else to say, except that you did deserve it.' I spat as I stood up and walked back out of the infirmary and back to the dungeons.


Now I have to be nice to Draco.

Because Nott did deserve it.

I walked through the common room and towards my dorm, still pissed off at both Draco and Nott.

I walked into my dorm to find Draco sitting at my desk, writing a letter.

'Who are you writing to?' My voice made him jump.

'My mother.' He replied, he kept his eyes on the parchment.

'Tell her I said hello.' I sat at the edge of the bed twiddling my thumbs.

'I already did.' He said quickly.

'I'm sorry for asking you to apologize to Nott. He's an ass and he deserved what you did.' I blurted out quickly.

A grin spread across his face, still looking down at the parchment he said slyly,

'Why don't you come over here and show me just how sorry you are Venus?'

The blood rushed to my cheeks as I slowly stood up from the bed, Draco pulled the chair out slightly. He finally looked at me and patted his lap, motioning me to come over. I walked over and stood above him, in between his knees. His hands pulled my knees up onto the chair and over him, so that I was straddling him.

He caught my chin in his hand and squeezed it slightly, his rings dug into my skin. He quickly moved his grip from my chin to my neck, taking me by surprise I pulled his hand away.

'I'm sorry I thought it was ok.' He said as he put his hand down.

'It is, I think it just took me by surprise.' I looked down at his hands. They were trembling slightly, I slipped my hands into his and interlace our fingers slowly.

'Can we just lay down? Or read? I don't know, I'm just tired.' I kept looking down at our hands as he took his out of mine and under my thighs, he stood up and wrapped my legs around him.

He took us over to the bed and laid me down. He walked away from the bed and back over to the desk, he picked back up the quill and signed the letter, put it in an envelope and walked back over to the window. Outside the window was a white owl waiting patiently. He opened the window, handed the letter to the bird who then took it in its beak and murmured something to it before it flew off.

He closed the window and walked back over to the desk. He scanned through the bookshelf that was hanging above the desk. He pulled out 'The Great Gatsby.' and walked back over to the bed.

He crawled in beside me and pulled me closer to him so I could rest my head on his shoulder. He then started to read out loud to me.

He read to me for about an hour before Blaise came knocking on my door.

'Come in Blaise.' I called out.

'How'd you know it was me?' He said, confused.

'You're the only one who knocks. What do you want?' I laughed slightly.

'Erm everyone's having a few drinks later, if you two want to come?' He shot Draco a look

'Who's everyone?' Draco chimed in, Blaise took in a deep breath before he answered.

'Luna, Pansy, Neville, Crabbe, Goyle and the Weasley twins and myself.'

'Why are the twins going?' I asked

'They're getting the drink and the drugs, and instead of paying them with real money they wanted to come.'

'Did you tell them that I would be there?' I sighed

'Yeah, I made a list of people so they could get the right amount of stuff.' Blaise shrugged.

'They're only going because you said I would go.' I groaned.

'We'll be there.' Draco said quickly.

Blaise nodded and left.

'I'm going nowhere near the twins. Not after I left Freddies dorm like that over Christmas.' I said angrily

'Yes you are.' He said through gritted teeth

'We're going to that party Smith.'

A/N: Hey shawty baes, I'm super sorry for the lack of updates, but 'How Deep is the Lake.' Is coming to a close. My story will be done soon and I thank you all for your continuous support throughout the past few months. I love you all ~ Amy.

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