Part 3

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Alyssa sat on her favorite chair, holding her favorite mug, drinking her favorite tea, wrapped in her favorite blanket, hoping it would improve her mood.

It wasn't working.

Mostly due to the large man on her living room floor, just now waking up from the effects of her Taser... and the large animal sedative she stuck him with after he went down. He blinked his eyes, seeming confused and disoriented.

He's adorable. I bet his wolf is good looking! Can you ask him to shift? Her wolf hadn't shut up since they met the other werewolf.

"Shush. He's waking up now. It would be rude to ask him before we've talked."

Spoilsport. At least show him all the hamburger meat we have in the freezer.

"Why would he want to see our hamburger meat?"

THAT will show him how effective we are at gathering food! We can be an asset to his pack! If he doesn't have a pack he should follow us around, and we can fatten him up! ... he's too skinny.

"He's not skinny... he's very muscular."

What if there's not enough prey in the winter? His muscles will go away. He should have a nice little layer of fat.

"Do not fatten him up! I like him like this."

"Excuse me?" The man on her living room floor struggled to sit up. Leaning back against her TV stand, he blinked a few more times, obviously still fighting off the tranquilizer. Looking around, he just seemed more confused. "Where am I?"

"My home." Alyssa told him, taking another sip of her tea.

"Ah." He paused, awkwardly shifting his weight and raising his hands which were tied together with silver chains, like his ankles. "Why am I tied up?"

"..." She stared at him silently a few moments. "You're a werewolf."

"...Yes. So are you?"

"You said I was your mate."

He blushed at that, avoiding eye contact. "Sorry. I know that was awkward. I was surprised. I've been looking for you for years... ever since I reached adulthood."

"You're an Alpha?"

"Yes." Straightening his spine, he forced a cocky looking grin. "A strong Alpha of a great pack."

"So now you know why you're tied up."


Alyssa rolled her eyes. "I've done enough research to know when an Alpha finds his mate, it tends to get physical... and non-consensual... real quick."

He still seemed confused. "Research?"

She set down her tea and blanket and dragged over the enormous roller suitcase. Opening it, she displayed hundreds of paperback romance books. She pulled one out, showing off the cover, which showed a half-naked muscular man holding a woman tightly as she halfheartedly pushed him away.

The bound man looked at the picture. "The Reluctant Mate of an Alpha? What is this?"

"There are 983 books on werewolves in my possession." She pulled out her notebook, quickly flipping to the "alpha" section. "88% of them feature an alpha werewolf as the male lead... and 92% of those characters force their mate to engage in physical intimacy... mostly hugging and kissing... within the first few minutes of meeting them."

"You... you're getting your information from romance books?" He looked horrified. "Where's your pack?"

"No pack. Abandoned as a baby. I grew up in the foster system."

A low angry growl sounded from his chest. "What pack abandons a child?!"

"The kind of pack that I'm probably better off being abandoned than raised by." She tapped the book again. "Back to the fact that I'm apparently the mate to an Alpha werewolf."

"Not apparently!" He looked distressed still. "You ARE! Can't you sense it?"

She ignored him, putting the book back carefully. "You know that alpha wolves aren't even a natural thing... only happens with wolves in captivity. Wolves in the wild tend to form family units. "

"...But we aren't normal wolves? We wouldn't have the exact same pack structure."

"Exactly. Thus I can't use my wolf encyclopedia to gain information." She frowned. "That would have been preferable, honestly. I don't really like the alphas in these stories."

If you're not going to mate with him... can we eat him?

"Stop asking to eat people. You know the answer."

Lewis's eyes grew wide. "Did you say 'eat PEOPLE?"

"Don't worry. There's a strict 'no eating people' rule. It's just a phase she's gone through since I let her watch 80s horror werewolf flicks. She thinks its funny, but its not." She threw her hands up helplessly. "This is WHY we are on a horror movie ban!"

This is unfair!

"It's perfectly fair! Even if you ignore the moral implications, you wouldn't even like the taste of human flesh!"

What about hot sauce? Didn't you say hot sauce makes every thing taste better?

"Yes... hot sauce does make everything taste better."

"Wait... are you going to EAT me?" Lewis questioned with a panicked tone, scooting backwards closer to the door.

"No. I told you, there's a firm 'no eating people' rule in place. We're done discussing that."


"We're discussing whether or not hot sauce would make your flesh taste better if we ate you... hypothetically."

"Oh." He thought it over. "I do like hot sauce. But I don't think wolves do."

"No. It would give them diarrhea, probably." Alyssa nodded. "See. Even hot sauce wouldn't help."

Then if we aren't going to eat him, can we please just MATE with him?

"No eating. No mating."

"Wait, can we not put a strict no mating rule in place just yet? At least not a permanent one?" He paused. "Also, if I promise not to engage in any alpha behaviors like you see in your 'research', can I please be untied?"

"..." She studied him warily. "I suppose."

"Great!" He held out his wrists, smiling with relief as she started to untie him.

"I have plenty of tranquilizer anyways." She muttered.


The bonds slipped free. The man rubbed his wrists, careful to not make any sudden movements. Relieved by his apparent honesty in not trying anything, Alyssa headed back to her chair and wrapped herself up again in her blanket.

Grabbing her tea, she took a sip of the lukewarm liquid and smiled. "So what brought the great Alpha into my place of work today? Were you looking for me?"

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