Juno x Crayfish in a nutshell

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"Hey honey," Cray rested his head on Juno's shoulder

"Yeah?" Juno asked

"Please rail me." 

"Will do, beautiful." 

"Yeah so- Oh come on! Stop it with that!" Kal hissed

"But whyy?" Cray groaned 

"There are children here! Don't fuck with Rose's innocence."

"Fuck children," Juno spat "but I guess that's fair." 

"Thank god." Kal mumbled

"I never get to have any fun," Ray sighed "Also fun fact it's the one year anniversary of our ocs fucking." 

"What?" Kal shouted

"That's great, babe."

Classroom One shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz