Kal x Naz (Mafia Au) Part 2

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There was a long silence until I spoke up "So it was you who threw the Apple pie, shame though it was such a waste of good food" "And that was a waste of a face you had there, It could have been better if the apple pie did hit your lack of face shade boy" "Why you-" "Ok ok calm down we don't need to fight here, like right now we can just forgive and forget  or something and we can go our seperate ways.....please I don't want to be here anymore" some random girl cut in "Fine I'll forgive if he says he's sorry" "well ok then I'm sorry...........................so sorry that you didnt get pied in the face" and before I knew it he took a giant chunk of pie from the floor and smashed it against my face.

as I wiped my face withmy sleeve I could see the stupid guy blowing rasberries at me so out of anger, I took a chunk of pie from the fallen pie and shoved it in his face "Ewwwww wtf" "Payback bitch" "Oh its on" as he took another pie from the nearby table and threw at me "FOOD FIGHT!!!!" I heard someone yell and now it was a Food war I could see Food going everywhere from table to table, but my main focus was on the guy who started it all "Hey you" he turned around with a grin on his face "Me ?" "Yes you, we still have a score to settle" "alright then, lets do this" he took a sword from one of the suit of armours displays in the dining hall (Yes M.A is rich in this universe the Dining hall is fancy) and took an apple from a display table and used the sword as a baseball bat and swung the apple at me, I quickly doged and recovered but if its a fight he wants its a fight he'll get as I myself took another sword from a nother suit of armour taking a pear and doing the same thing, It didn't hit but none of us were backing down and war was raging so He bolted out the doors and I chased after him.


 Naz POV

How silly of that guy to take the bait and follow me out, I mean was he that stupid, Vanilla already left when the Food war started stating "Hell no-" and slipped out back to their room, now it was just me and that one angry dude I threw a pie at in the dark hallways chasing me, how delightful.

*Tme skip a few minutes*

I have been going dwn hallways and hallways in the empty dark night and yet he was still chasing me , How hard is it to get the guys your not intrested in get of your tail, but nevertheless I kept going and soon I make it to the final destenation the Balcony, The balcony was super big and super wide so it was good battle ground and + if I could I could throw him off but maybe next time for now battle commence because he caught up to me "Your cornered" he puffed but I knew he was out of breath for chasing me "theres nowhere to go, now you gotta fight me" "Alright then" I said as I took my blade into a fighting stance "Then lets dance ~"

(Ps I suck at making fight scenes can somebody from the classroom make it better but for the mean time have this)

of course he didn't want to waste time and swung his blade at me but I presisted and jumped backwards before trying to stab him in the leg but he magaed to jump and crash land on my blade and I was unstable so it flew out of my hand, he picked it up and now was walking towards me "Its over I won" Oh fuck no man I wasn;t gonna lose to this guy so I ran and doged him to the doors and found another suit of armour but instead of a blade it was a battle axe.

I really don't have a choice do I ?


No ones POV

Naz took the battle axe from the suit and started going back into the fight now that it was fair 2 swords to a battle axe this was gonna be exciting fight.

It probably went on for a 30 minutes and heres a brief on what happened

Kal was trying to assasinate Naz and Naz wazs doing a good job defending and deflecting the attacks and all this under the moon light (Can someone make art about this ?)

and soon Naz was cornered to the end of the blacony holding the battle axe sideways as to block the swords"What you scared ?" "You wished" "You know its quite funny how this all happened because of pie" "Haha very funny now lets end this" as Naz took his boots and smashed it against Kals foot causing him to loose balance and stagger back and drop his wapons "Now its over" but before Naz could do anything someone was starting to clap.

"My, My that was a delightful show, quite like dancing, I enjoyed it" It was M.A,

"Boss what are your doing here ?" said Naz "Ughhhh this is so humiliating" said kal

"I was walking by when Vanilla told me what was going on so I decided to check it out but on the way I found you 2 what a coincedence" "But that doesn't matter I came here to tell you 2 that the Gala is soon and you should be in bed But I will let you off the hook because you gave a beautiful performance and because your my right hand man Kal" "Wait wait wait your here right hand man, the bosses right hand man, I seriously almost killed you ?!" "yea yea almost-"

"Now both of you get bakc to your rooms and have a pleasent night" as M.A clicker her heels and started making her way back to the big castle fortress Hq.

"Well that was a pleasent evening" Naz said as he gave a hand to Kal to lift him up "Exciting I can say, but I'll see you at the gala Right hand man" Naz said as he also went back to the castle Hq not without giving a small wink to him "Well shit" Said Kal as he felt his face heating up "I think I may be in love"  he murmured as he covered his face 

Maybe the Gala wasn;t going to be all that bad If only he couldve told Naz to save a dance for him.

The end~

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