"Have you seen Y/N?" he asked as he sidled up to his younger brother, falling easily into step with him. Sam shook his head as he held back a smile.

"Not since we came in." Sam bit his lip as he thought about his next question, wondering if it was really worth asking. With a subtle shrug, he finally spoke. "Are you ever going to tell her how you feel?"

Dean halted suddenly, earning some scoffs and glares from dancers he had blocked. "What?" he asked, voice tight and eyebrows knit together. Sam rolled his eyes and reached out for his brother's tuxedo sleeve, urging him to continue walking.

"Come on man, I think we can all see it. You look at her like... I don't know, like she's the most amazing thing you've ever seen!" Sam shrugged, as if there was no better way to describe it.

"She can turn into a giant dog, Sam. I'd say that's pretty incredible."

"You know what I mean."

Dean bit the inside of his cheek as he thought. He felt awful, hiding something like that from Sam - why did he have to hide it? He understood why they hid it from the pack. They weren't exactly human friendly yet. But Sam was his brother.

His brother that was no doubt hoping a relationship would be the turning point in Dean deciding not to go through with his deal. He huffed and ran a hand through his hair, spiking it up. Sam, who would push more if he found out there was something else rooting Dean to the living world. Sam, who for all his support, would just be pushy. Almost too encouraging. And with two people who hadn't been in a real relationship for years, and maybe weren't in one now, it was just too much.

Dean didn't want to tell him yet.

It was with that thought that Dean turned in just the right way to spot her in the corner of the room, sandwiched between two bookshelves under an old oil painting of a revolutionary war era ship. He paused once more, green eyes glued to her figure. The dress that dipped just low enough to show fading claw marks, the shape of teeth embedded in her throat. Skin previously smooth, now marred with damage that just made her look more alluring. He never understood why she was self-conscious of it.

"I don't know man," he finally said, stopping Sam in his tracks. The younger brother followed Dean's gaze, glancing between his brother and the object of his affections. "She's just too good for me."

Sam placed his hand on his brother's shoulder, rousing Dean from his trance. "Yeah, and I bet she'd say the same about you." With that, Sam departed into the sea of bodies, leaving Dean alone once again.

After taking a moment to collect himself, Dean cleared his throat and straightened his bowtie. He took a few steps into the crowd before pausing beside a waiter to grab two of the many champagne glasses he carried. He stared at the beverage for a moment, taking in the color that, in all honesty, was too close to her golden eyes for comfort. With a dry swallow he turned back into the crowd and made his way slowly towards the woman boxed into the corner.

"You look like you could use a drink," he called over the chattering crowd as he approached. She looked up, turning wide eyes on him that held just a hint of that familiar gold around the inside edge. She was anxious - her eyes held a certain glassiness, and her cheeks were dusted with pink as her heart raced and her breathing elevated. Her shoulders seemed to relax the moment she saw him, one hand dropping loosely to her side.

"I was beginning to think you'd never show," she said, daintily taking the glass from him before downing the whole drink in one go. He chuckled and followed suit, eyes not leaving her figure as she tipped her head back. How could a simple black dress look so good?

"You know I like to make an entrance," he said and she chuckled morbidly, staring into the crowd with semi-narrowed eyes. "That's not Bela's dress, is it?"

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now