They settled into comfortable silence while they pulled into the estate's drive way

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They settled into comfortable silence while they pulled into the estate's drive way.

While getting out of the car, a suddenly curious Alex asked; "So how did you know it was me anyway?"

Max grinned. "You didn't exactly hide very well. Besides the honorific you used and the unforgettable scar," He brought his hand up to gently and lovingly trace said scar. Then suddenly he smirked. "It was the drink situation." He states while letting go. Alex's eyebrows furrowed at that. "Drink situation?" He asked confusingly. "Mhm. No one else knows that strawberry milk is my favorite beverage. Especially Sara."

Alex pouted at that then playfully shoved Max. "And here I thought I was doing very well," he mumbled in Chinese.

"Wo hèn ni." Alex stated before sticking his tongue out and running off after that. Max smiled again. "I love you too!" He called after a fleeing Alex in a teasing tone.  He chuckled to himself then also headed in.


Today was Alex's day off of work today. He spent the entire morning chatting with his sister while also making arrangements for her to come down and visit for the upcoming weekend. He also sent an occasional text to Grayson and Zero who asked how he was doing. Courtesy to his uncle who he recently found out also made Zero his report guy.

Ai Huan loved his uncle like his own father. In fact more than his own father. Though their mother tried her best, she still wasn't the best mother out there.

She still made mistakes too. But however, not as much as their father who prioritized status over the mental and psychological well-beings of his children.

Their Uncle Teng was the closes they ever gotten to familial love.

Like when the "accident" happened, he was more worried about his son no longer being considered good looking boy in grade 5.
Which yes, he did get gossiped about like some tabloid, but his father should have been more worried about the fact that his son could no longer hear out of his ear.

His father also called him a disabled because he was now deaf out of one ear and an embarrassment. This also lead him to smashing Ai Huan's first hearing aid into pieces in a fit of rage.

His mother managed to sneakily buy him another and told him to hide it when in his father's presence.

Alex remembers one day he was sitting in the living room oblivious to his father's entry while playing with Shu Lan's PSP for the first time, and his father seen the hearing aid had walked up to him and tried to snatch it off of his ear.

However, because of it, Ai Huan heard the fast steps and moved away in time. But not before his father's nails scraped the already sore scar and made it bleed. When his mother arrived she pleaded with her husband to leave their son alone but he pushed her away so harshly she fell to the ground.

Shu Lan arrived from the commotion and managed to catch their father yank on the boy's ear to get the hearing aid. Ai Huan screamed in pain. ShuLan set her phone on record and placed it into her back pocket while she rushed to push her father's hands off of her little brother.

"Ba! Stop this!" He raised his hand to strike her. Shulan stood tall and looked him dead in the eye. "Hit me, and I'll make sure the whole world knows you're an abusive father and husband with this recording. Go on, hit me." She turned to hold her brother's head towards her torso protectively. "But you will not lay a hand on him anymore."

He cursed then stormed out of the house. Their mother running behind them.

Who would have known that that was the last time they'd see either of their parents ever again.

Who would have known that that was the last time they'd see either of their parents ever again

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"a Huan, are you alright?" Asked a concerned Max. "Mhm. Yeah I'm fine." Max still had a look that he didn't quite believe him but he'll leave it alone for now.

"You should get back to work xiao Lee. I'm alright." He smiled reassuringly.


A little while later the bell chimed and in came that familiar voice.

"Hello. I'm Kevin Zhan, and I'll be the new delivery boy."

Oh yeah, Alex heard they were getting a new employee today.

Wait, WHAT?!



ShuLan ^

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ShuLan ^



A/N: Any mistakes I'll correct eventually. Hope you're enjoying the story so far!! Love you Ciao!!!

 Hope you're enjoying the story so far!! Love you Ciao!!!

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