A P P L Y - C L O S E D

515 19 95

Yeah, I'm vague. You want to fight? Because I definitely do not lmao. Anyway, I've literally been wanting to do an apply fic about dark academia since before I really did apply fics. I read The Secret History back in like, 2018, so it's been so many years in the making. So, here goes nothing.

Basically, it's the premise! I'll be accepting around nine people, maybe a few less, maybe some more. I'm not entirely sure. In this one, unaccepted characters will be appearing, unless I have way too many characters already. No promises.

 No promises

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| If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. My inbox is open every second of the day because I'm a loser with nothing better to do.

| You'll be more likely to be selected if you are unique from other applicants. This applies to genders and personalities and MAJORS! Try not to select the same major as anyone else. If it can't be avoided, it's not game over, but don't give me ten English majors, or I will go postal.

| Please be detailed. The more detail the better. Leave like six comments if necessary.

| Also, anticipate that I could PM you at some point. While I draft the story, I will probably want to cross-reference things with you. If you aren't available (for an extended period of time), I'm making shit up!

| If I'm not writing your character properly, please message or comment. I've done it before and I pray that I won't do it again, but I won't take it personally. The password is your least favourite subject.

| Also, your character doesn't have to be a rich asshole, but it'd be better if the majority were rich with like maybe one scholarship kid. Also, make sure your characters are flawed. It's a genre staple. I'm going to be picky because I really love dark academia. They can be kind and nice people, just flawed.

| Be aware, that people of colour and especially queer people are going to be facing adversity in this story. So, if you apply with one, be prepared for them to be treated as lesser by other students, professors. I don't want to give anyone a false impression, but the world of academia is growing more open-minded, but not secret societies, you know?

| Applications are due July 6th!





AGE: (18-19, maybe 20 if they took a gap year)





BACKSTORY: (include hobbies, jobs, clubs, sports, all that kind of stuff)

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