"My old, good friends!" Pettigrew added joyfully, his hands raised as he ran towards them, or rather to the door behind Black and Lupin. His plans failed almost as soon as he tried, thus being captured by the two once more, before being roughly tossed back like scrap paper. Pettigrew whirled around as if searching for help, his eyes fell on Harry who tightened his grip around Aine's. "Harry—" The Animagus whimpers, the sound of his name made Harry gulped. Pettigrew moved closer to the boy, the son of his good friend, James Potter. Sensing Harry's discomfort, Aine stepped ahead of her friend, her wand raised at the man, her eyes narrowed at him. This caused Pettigrew to shudder, his fingers curled as he chatters, looking down but back at Aine. "Lady... Luceras—?" He mutters and from the corner of her eye, she could see Black and Lupin's eyes go wide. "Lady Luceras!" Pettigrew calls out once more, grabbing her foot, he continued to beg.

"Get your hands off her!" Lupin yells, snatching him back, Aine still looking at Pettigrew, puzzled, just who on earth was 'Lady Luceras'? Surely, it wasn't her. Perhaps the rat had just mistaken her for someone else.  Black blinked, glaring at Pettigrew who was just in a mess. He looked to Aine, then to Harry, and beamed, tears glistening his wrinkled eyes, "Harry! You look so much like James! And— And— Eyes! Eyes of Lily's! I... I was friends with your father!" 

"How DARE you! How dare you speak to Harry! After what you did to James!" Black roars, grabbing Pettigrew by the collar, gritting his teeth.

"You sold James and Lily to Voldemort, didn't you?" Lupin questions, calmness in his tone but his gaze looked otherwise. He watches as the traitor crumbles, "I— I— I didn't mean to..." he sobs, Harry fists shaking, this was the man who was the reason why his parents had died. Pettigrew went on, mumbling, "The Dark Lord! You have no idea the weapons he possesses, Remus! Sirius! Ask yourselves— What would you... have done?" he cried.

"What would I have done?" Black scoffs, his lips twitching, itching to destroy this man, here and now. "I WOULD HAVE DIED!" He retorted, blazing, "I WOULD HAVE DIED, RATHER THAN BETRAY MY FRIENDS!" he says, without hesitation. Harry looks at him, a small, short sigh escaped his mouth.

Aine watches, as Pettigrew crawled beneath the piano, away from Black and Lupin cornering at both ends. Harry quickly blocks the door and the squeaking man grabs the boy's shoulder, Aine quickly pointing her wand at Pettigrew's neck, "Don't you dare, lay a finger on him." 

"Girl— No... Harry! James wouldn't have wanted me killed! Your dad— would have SPARED me! He would have shown me mercy! AHHH—" the rat shrieks, pulled away by his friends. "HARRY— PLEAAASEE!"

"Should have realized Peter! If Voldemort didn't kill you, we would. TOGETHER!"

"No!" Harry cuts and Lupin suspired, "Harry... This man..."

"I know what he is. But we'll take him to the castle." 

"Bless you! Bless you, boy!" Pettigrew says with joy, kneeling to Harry, "Get off!" Harry repels him, "I said we'll take you to the castle. After that, the Dementors can have you." he added, causing Pettigrew to shiver with fear. He glances at Aine, almost as if seeking help, but all the girl did was looked down at him, eyes filled with disgust, "You sickening, rat." she seethes. 

Lupin quickly binds Pettigrew so that he doesn't escape, "Incarcerous" he said, and a thin rope emerged from his wand, wrapping it tightly around the man. "Shall we go?" he says to Aine and the rest who nodded. Aine then looks back, everyone was forgetting about one more person, "What about Professor Snape?" she asks and her professor nodded to Black who walks past her, rolling his eyes, "Fine. But he better owe us," he says to his friend, who smirks, "Levicorpus." Black said, and Professor Snape's body floats into the air from the sheets covering him. "After you, little girl." 

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