Ambrosia walked up to the crow club and pulled the doors open, shouting and drunken songs flooded her ears. Her eyes scanned the room until they landed on the back of his head. Kaz Brekker was sat with his back to her playing a card game with two other men. She walked towards their table with her head high she set her bag under the table and sat down immediately slipping off her leather coat and letting it hang over the back of her chair. One of her knives was on show and she knew the three boys before her saw it. .

When she had sat down they all went stiff, they clearly didn't expect a girl. Kaz seemed to recognise her but he couldn't quite put a finger on it. "Are you going to deal me in or not boys?" She asked tapping a gloved finger against the hard wood of the table. They both looked at Kaz, but he was too busy staring at me trying to find out her motives and where he knew her from. "I'm harmless," she reassured them.

"You don't look like the harmless type," Kaz replied and yet he dealed her in. It took less than five minutes for her to win most of the money. After, she laid down her cards, stopping the game. "Well, boys, I think that's enough for me for tonight." She stood up, put the coat back on over the short red dress she was wearing, collected the winnings and grabbed her bag. As she walked past Kaz, she could feel him staring, and knew she had accomplished what she had wanted to. He came to her later that night in the cold thunderous rain.

"What can I do for you, Brekker?" Ambrosia asked, not turning around from where she leant on the railings staring out into the harbour. Her leathered hands were resting on the railings, somehow the cold air hadn't left a single goosbump on her bare legs. Kaz had obviously not expected her to hear him coming. She smiled at him as I turned to him as he rested his cane in front of him.

"How'd you learn to play cards like that?" She pulled out three cards that she had stolen from them throughout the game, causing them to loose. "I don't," she handed them to him.

"You stole them?" Kaz said as he looked at the cards. He looked up at the girl in front of him almost admiringly. "And I won." She said with a smirk.

"No one steals from me, not even you Ambrose." He said locking eyes with her. She sighed with a smile, "I see you finally figured out who I am and I'm also pretty sure that's what I just did."

Kaz twirled his cane around on the cobblestone as he stared at her, "I recognised you from somewhere and you're the only person I've ever known who's signiture perfume smells of wine, smoke, burning wood and roses. Plus I spotted your necklace.'

Ambrosia walked up to him and started to circle in close proximity, he followed her with his head. "You know Ambrose. You could be a valuable member to the Dregs."

She stood in front of him and smiled, she saw something light up in his eyes that supposedly shouldn't belong in the eyes of Dirtyhands. "Why Dirtyhands, I thought you'd never ask. Of course I'm in." When she told him, the the edges of his mouth twitch into a smile.

"Oh and one more thing, I think you're forgetting something." She held up Kaz's wallet in front of him, she had stolen it when she'd walked past him earlier. Kaz snatched it back. "Never steal from me again." He told her, "you've gotten sneakier."

"And more deadlier, I wouldn't dream of stealing from you again Kaz." She replied with a smirk. "All the more reason why you should fit right in with the Dregs." And that, was the reunion of two lost friends.

The moment they returned to the Crow Club, a gun shout fired. "What in Ghezen was that," Ambrosia said from where she stood by Kaz.

Storm In The Quiet |Shadow and Bone 1&2| Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now