princess secret part 5

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"what are you here for this time ?" you heard tom's voice question as you were just half way up the stairs , your feets got planted on the same place it was in . your house stairs were built just close by to the living room but if anyone stood on the stairs they couldn't be seen from the living room and the same goes for the person on the stairs,  although both the places were close by so one could hear the voices clearly . "you very well know Tom ." a high pitch voice said making you recognize it quickly,  she was none other than Taylor swift, you had met her before she sometimes came to say hello to your mom and you clearly knew that she had a thing for tom . sadly tom never seemed to convey the same feeling aside friendship, "and you know my answer well too, yet you try again and again , why ?" he asked his voice could give a clear sense to you that he was mad well more than mad . "I told you I won't give up until you agree and if you want to say that you don't want to drag y/n into our mess , I agree but she would be off by a few months , she clearly wouldn't want to stay here will she ?" she questioned making you bite your inner cheek , you questioned yourself was it true what she said ?, you wanted to leave ?, but how could you leave a man who just makes you feel so special , he rejects every women just to stay by your side , though your guys relationship was something that shouldn't have happened in the first place but how could deny that you had feeling for the said man , after your mother passed away you had slipped close to depression the only string that held you tight was tom and he made you get away from all those depression since then you had realised that you had feelings for him and they were quite strong . you still weren't ready to accept that you loved him but this moment when you heard the heels getting tapped on the floor and then when you heard tom shout at her to stay away but instead you heard some noises which clearly made a sense as you peaked to see Taylor was kissing tom but tom quickly her away you were still unnoticed as you hid back again . "how dare you , get out of my house right now !" tom shouted at her making even you flinch , but you were already a trembling mess as tears started to flow down your eyes and you felt your heart getting crushed . "think about it Tom,  we could be a perfect couple,  why do you even care about her so much ?, she is an orphan , her mother married you for a reason tom , can't you see she wanted you to be burdened by her . she threw her burden on your shoulder before she had to leave and I clearly see that you are exactly letting her be the obstacle of your happiness ." Taylor shouted while you just felt your heart being torn apart , she was right you felt like you were the thing that was holding him back , you mom clearly married tom so that you had someone to take care of you and she was even right about the fact that you were an orphan you had no one aside tom . but the fact that he never made you feel that way , was far more stinging,  why ?, why does he cares for you?. "enough another word about y/n and I will never ever want to see your face ever again and how dare you talk about her when you don't even know what she means to me , she is the source of my happiness Taylor,  her mother wasn't the one who married me , I was the one who convinced her mother to marry me , I couldn't bear her being alone , she deserves someone who take cares of her and I don't need your shitty opinion about my life , so just get the HELL OUT OF HERE!!" Tom's voice raised at the end of the sentence and you again heard the heels clicking across the floor but it started to get inaudible,  "and one last thing she isn't an orphan, I am with her ." Tom's voice boomed as his footsteps also started to turn inaudible, you knew this wasn't the right place to even speak or do anything so you just ran back to your bedroom and closed the door, then curled up beside your bed and started to sob . why must he support you so much?, who were you to him ?, these questioned weren't helping either . you knew you loved him but the truth be told even if you confessed and even if he had feelings for you ,it would be of no use cause you guys didn't had a future . but what should you do hold on or just end it here at this point ?, you bit your lip to hold back a sob and then sighed . you decided to let faith play its game .

"baby girl .." you felt Tom's voice caressing your ears as you keeps your eyes still shut not ready to open then knowing tom would question if by any chance your eyes were red , you had fallen asleep again when you cleaned up and got back to bed to just process things . "hmm." you hummed as you felt his hands caressing your cheek and then felt a feather light kiss being placed onto your cheeks . "get up love it's already mid day ." tom stated while tapping your nose lightly , you groaned while you turned to face him and opened a single eye , "do I really have to get up ?" you whined making him chuckle,  his smile brought some peace to you . the light from the window made him look like an angle with a glow surrounding him, the only thing that was missing was a halo above his head . "are you done gwaking at me ?" he asked you with a smirk plastering on his face making you roll your eyes , "I wasn't looking at you , I was looking at something behind your back ." you tried to argue only for his smirk to turn into a grin , "why not sure. " he said while extending his hand for you to take , you looked between him and his hand with a raised eyebrow . "come on I made you pancakes for breakfast. " he said while forwarding his hand for you even more but you just scowled and turned on your back . "as much as I would love to have some pancakes I don't have the energy to walk and the fact that we really went rough last night doesn't help either ." you said as you turned your head to the side to glare at tom who just shrugged and gave you a sheepish smile making you roll your eyes . "okay then. " that's all he said and you thought he would leave you for a while so you just sighed closing your eyes suddenly you were lifted of the bed by Tom's strong arms holding you in a bridal style . you squeaked because of the certain act making tom chuckle , you glared at him while slapping his arm . "why do you always have to surprise me ?" you asked him as your hands moved to his neck while he pulled you closer . "because you love to get surprises ." he answered making you sigh , he was really a to different personality,  when it was sex it was just sex but when it was just spare time,  he could be the most sweetest one . "why are you carrying me ?" you asked him making him roll his eyes and he looked down at you and then planted a kiss to you nose making you scrunch it. "now my love wasn't I the one responsible for that sore feeling so i am gentleman you know , I know how to treat beautiful girls like you ." he stated making you blush and feel a sting at the same time,  the fact he said girls made you feel a bit of jealousy at the thing that happened in the morning . "so you mean you carry girls to places in your arms ?" you questioned trying to sound amused but it had a hint of jealousy which didn't went unnoticed by tom . "well for starters I guess I carried only two or three maybe but thinking of it not even one of them were sore because of me ." he answered as he winked down at you making you blush red as you hid your face in his chest . you were too exhausted because of the past few events , tom was sweet and extremely sweet this made you a little bit more self hatred . "did someone came in the morning?" you asked him as he placed you down on a stool and walked to get you your plate of pancakes , "umm yeah it was one of my colleagues. " he answered making you bite your inner cheek, so he was trying to hide it . "do I know them ?" you asked him while poking into the pancake he placed infront of you . "maybe ." he answered with a straight face as he sat beside you and you started to eat , "what were they here for ?" you asked him making him a little uneasy , you saw him shrug before he opened his mouth to speak , "why are you asking so many question?" he asked you making you shrug this time. "I heard something like shouting so was just about to ask you if everything is okay or not ." you completed making him smile , "everything is fine love , they were here for some work related things ." he assured you while placing a soft kiss to your head as he rose up from his seat with the plate in his hand . "yeah if works involve talking about our relationship. " you mumbled to yourself as you heard him leave , "did you said something?" tom asked you as you turned to see he was far more close than you thought he would be.  "umm nothing yesterday y/bf/n was asking me about how we are such a good set of family and I told her it wasn't her work to know it ." you lied quickly making him nod though he seemed conscious,  "it happens mostly people aren't used to seeing a pair like us." he stated as he walked to the basin while you sighed . "should I get you some coffee?" tom asked you and you nodded as he headed to brew some coffee for you and you walked behind him . you had to talk to him,  "tom ?" you called lowly as he was just about to put coffee into your cup of milk , "hmm." he hummed in response while you bit your lip while leaning back on the kitchen island , "I heard everything in the morning  " that words made the spoon in his hand drop as he just went stun . "I know you are gonna say that it doesn't matter what Taylor said but it was true we both know that ." you said your voice becoming inaudible by the end while your eyes flew up to met Tom's baby blue one , he was hurt by your words and you felt daggers running through your heart at the site of his,  he was in a moment infront of you . "no what she said isn't true ." tom argued but you just shook your head with a small smile , you cupped his face in your hand and looked at him with glassy eyes . "no tom , we both know that it is just me who is taking the benefits of being with you and the fact that you could have such a great life without me just makes me feel like it was all me who caused this all ." your hands feel to your sides as your head hunged with tears now running down your cheeks , "babes listen listen ..I am in no way about to think that my life could be any better without you by my side, you don't even know what you mean to me ." he stated as he lifted your chin up and placed his other hand on the kitchen island. you looked at him with a hurt expression but his words and his voice was so assuring you couldn't believe and stop yourself from asking him . "why tom ?, why would you do this all just for me ? , there are womens out there who would love to be with you then why do you choose to be by my side ?, are you sympathizing me ?" you asked him but a sharp shake of his head was enough to answer your queries , "listen y/n there is no way in hell I would get along with any other women aside you and about why you because ...leave it you won't understand. " you trailed of changing his topic making you give him a confused and mad expression,  "I just don't want you to ever think that you are any thing that is no use to me ." he assured you and you couldn't keep yourself from shouting,  "why don't you understand tom!, I DON'T WANT US TO DENY THE TRUTH , I WANT TO FIND A SOLUTION OF THIS , I AM FAR MORE INSECURE ABOUT LOSING YOU ." your sudden shouting made him go stun , but his mind was fixed on the last of your words , you didn't wanted to lose him but why . "we both are not talking about this ." he declares as he walks away from you , "I won't listen to you , I want to talk about this and we are talking right now. " you declared persistently making his anger rise with each passing word , "so what do you want to hear that you are right but probably wrong that you need me instead you don't even know that it's me who needs you ." he stated making you furrow your eyebrows , "we can't go on like this Tom , not only will it destroy us but also everything you worked hard for tom and I possibly wouldn't want to ." you stated while folding your arms around you and rubbing your upper arm , "shut up y/n, you do as I say , it's not your concern to think about all this ." he shouted making your anger boom back , your head shot up at his words and you glared at him . "It is my concern tom !" you snapped back,  "why ?" he shouted back as his eyes bore holes through you , "because I LOVE YOU !!" you shouted and then closed your eyes as you yourself embraced the word just the way tom did,  you both stood there silent for a second while you knew you had ended things between you guys meanwhile tom was still bewildered by your words , "and you are telling me that now?" he questions as he walked towards you with a smile appearing on his face , "tom that's not something of concern because our relationship is forbidden it can never happen we can't be together no matter what ." you completed as your eyes travled to tom who stood their shocked his baby blue eyes pleading you as if your words were venom to him . you looked away not able to maintain the intense gaze but a moment later you felt Tom's finger hook below your chin and he turned your head softly towards him . "i don't care whether it's right or wrong , the thing i care about is whether you want this or not and if you do want this i promise i will make this work out ." he assured his words were far more promising,  you couldn't deny . "but .." you started but his words cut through you , "i love you ms y/n l/n ."  his words made you go stun as he picked you up and placed you on the kitchen island and placed his lips on yours , you took a minute to respond back . "tom ..we..just did it a while ago." you breathed out as he kissed his way down to your neck , "i know babygirl just think of this as a present to show how happy you have made me ." tom mumbled as his hands move down to your ass and he pulled you closer while squeezing your ass making you moann, "what if someone comes ?" you tried to get him off you knowing this would probably lead to soreness which just left you a while ago , "is that what you are concerned about right now ?" he asked his voice was warning and his facial features said the same , you gulped shaking your head . "and what are the words that you need to say?" he asked you while looking at you with that intense look whivh made you squirm, "sotry?" you questioned a bit unsure only to feel his finger getting closer to your inner thigh making your breath hitch, must i mention that you were still only having a white shirt on you , "sorry daddy." you squeaked out before his finger got close to your pussy,  "you shouted at me a while ago, must i remind you princess. " he stated as his one hand grabbed your gently by your neck and pulled you closer to his face , "you are getting into your moods again tom." you replied looking away as you knew his gaze was really intense on you. the type of intensity that made you want to clench your thighs, only if he hadn't had his finger to your pussy which you swore was a traitor cause it was close to flooding. "babygirl you have no idea how i just want to take you right now and right here ." tom seductively whispered in your ear making you turn bright red, "to.." you started but his growl cut you off, "you seem to forget that you belong to me princess. " he mumbled as he tucked on your earlobe with his lips making you moan , "i thought i had left enough marks to remind you that you belong to me ." he stated as he pulled away and looked at your neck that had new marks , well you guys tried to keep away from leaving marks cause that lead to rumors . "tom please we have important things to talk about. " you replied calmly as you pushed him away and he moved his hand away from your tight to cup your face in his hands, he looked at you with a smile before placing a small kiss to your forehead . "don't worry babygirl i have everything planned before i even came in your life ." tom answered making you raise an eyebrow,  "i was just waiting for the right time to call you mine in front of the whole world ." tom stated making you even more anxious,  "what is it tom?" you asked him while your hands cupped his face and you heard a comfort sigh leave his lips when your soft hands grabbed his well shaved face , "okay i just needed to be sure about whether you wanted me as much as i wanted you to tell you this but now it seems like it's finally time ." Tom's words just confused you to your top most extent making you bite your inner cheek , "tom i can't even understand the words you are saying , can you just state it simply?" you pleaded as a chuckle escaped his lips , he moved closer and attached his forehead to your . "babygirl , you mum knew about us , she knew everything that was going on between you and me and she supported us ." tom stated making your jaw drop as you just blinked trying to make his words fall in place, "you must be joking , you think my mom would support me for sleeping with my step dad ?, that's freaking insane ." you babbled making tom chuckle , he placed a peck to your nose and then looked you in the eye, "i am not your step dad and never was , i know how much you loved your parents, i would have never made such a rash decision cause i wanted a future with you not just some beating around the bushes ." he said as he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, "yeah that's exactly what you are doing right now , beating around the bushes that's making me go insane ." your words were sarcastic but was enough to bring a smirk to his face , "okay fine , so i never married your mom , i had told her about my liking for you and how i wanted to be with you , she said that wasn't possivle as in you were underage ofcourse so we made a contract about this that we will announce that your mum and i were married so that you would be under my care and then when the times get right you and i will just make that contract public and then i will officially date you and marry you ." the last words were more shocking than any other news he has giving out till now , "why..i mean you could be a family friend or something like that but why dad?" you asked him completely shocked , "a family friend can't hold as much importance in your life as your mom's husband can ." he stated making you open your mouth to ask another question but he silenced you with his lips on your's . "hush now no more questions of the past just about the future we are about to start , okay?" he stated and you nodded your head to confirm him , you couldn't express how happy you were . finally you were gonna be together,  you know society would raise questions but fuck society. "don't worry about media and stuffs,i will handle that ." he assured you while he caressed your cheeks , "and after we are done , i am gonna take you out to an date before i bang you on my bed ." he whispered the last part in your ear making your cheeks heat up as you pushed him away , "we will see daddy." you challenged with a smirk only for tom to push you totally down on the kitchen island and kiss you passionately,  "more like now." he grinned as he picked you up ans carried you to your room , rest is the same known history .

"love is never forbidden it's the way it starts or ends."

a/n: finally! sorry for the wait, this one is ending here

tom Hiddleston/loki one shotDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora