dark new year part 3

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"y/n what's your plan now? " your friend asked you as she poked your cheeks while you sat there with a big pout on your face, "I seriously need to run away. " you said groaning and looked at your friends with puppy eyes, "then how do you plan on doing that? " your friends asked you and you frowned before putting your head down on the desk , "I can't because i messed this up even more by doing something extremely stupid ." you said as you sat up straight on the chair and pouted looking at your friends , "come would you at least tell us what happened?" your best friend asked and you gave her a pout ,"okay fine so hear it out and dare not to interrupt. " you said before sitting straight and sighing as all your friends nodded in understand.

*flash back .*

"achoo. " you sneezed and then groaned turning around to grab a napkin from your bed side before that the guy next to you handed you a napkin and you smiled sleepily, "thank you. " you said using the napkin while your eyes were still filled with sleep, "your welcome. " he replied and you turned around to again get into your sleeping position and closed your eyes, then it striked you. You don't sleep with anyone and the fact that it is a guy!!!, made you open your eyes wide, you remembered that face, it was the Vampire guy. You knew it!!, so without thinking much you decided to run , what a stupid choice seriously you knew he was a vampire and you still thought you could run?! So in a swift before you could even step off the bed he turned you around and pinned you down on the bed with both his hand on either side of your waist and his face dangerously close to yours, you tried pushing him a little away from you but it didn't worked .

"How did you ..." you were saying when he shushed you by placing his index finger in front of your lips , "keep your voice down sweet thing or I won't be responsible for what your parents will think when they see us like this ." He warned while you just felt your throat ran dry because of the intense stare he was giving you , it was like he was boring through you soul from your eyes . You sighed before removing his finger away from your face , "how did you get in here ?" You asked him , you voice was low to the level of a whisper. As he heard your question his lips curled up into a smirk and his faced lowered even more so that now his nose was touching yours and his green eyes were boring into your , "just the way i did last night ." His words made your eyes go wide . He looked back into your eyes with a smile while you mouth hanged open , "so that wasn't a dream ?" You asked him while he rolled his eyes and sighed shaking his head . How stupid of you to still believe it was a dream?, but still it wasn't like something like that happens to you often so it was likely for you to be confused. "How can you be so dumb !" He exclaimed while you just pouted looking away , "you got my mark on your wrist , i saw you today in college and yesterday evening also and yet you say it is all a dream ." He said in disbelief while you looked at him like a little child with a frown , "it's not a common thing ok ? , so how can i believe so many things like the first is vampires exist , second i was kidnapped from my own house last night , third I have known fucking idea how this mark came on my wrist and and the most why are you after me of all the people why me ? , do you even have any idea how do i feel about this all ? , i am doubting myself that i have gone insane and i am hallucinating things ." You blurted out while your eyes bore into his with anger , you have been frustrated afterall you had to go through so many things at the same time and that made you lose your mind .

"I answered you question about why i am after you yesterday and about the mark you got to know what that mark meant and if you think you are hallucinating you had a proof to think that it was true." He said while you just blinked at his words , "and what that should be ?" You asked him while looking at him with narrow eyes , he smirked at your question and started to unbutton your denim shirt while you tried to remove his hands away , "stop it or i am gonna shout !!." You whispered yelled while he held you down with his one hand on your head and the other unbuttoning your shirt , "try it and i am gonna play the create misunderstanding card infront of your parents ." He declared while you looked at him with wide eyes , you thought of doing something that could stop him before it was too late but before you could even open your mouth he just pushed your shirt a little back from your shoulder which had the hickey , "see this , now tell me is this also a hallucinating mark ?" He asked you while you felt yourself blush in embarrassment as you could feel his one hand really close to your breast while the other was now on your exposed shoulder near that mark . "You could have said it ." You snapped before shrugging your shoulder and started to button up your shirt , while you were doing so you could feel his eyes were lingering on your exposed breast area and that black bra that was slightly visible as you tried to button up quickly. "He is such a asshole ." You thought to yourself as you did the last of buttons and then looked towards him to see he was smirking looking at you . "Can't have you just used simple words instead of doing that ?" You asked him in irritation while you glared at him , "wouldn't have caused a good show for me ." He said and then chuckled the moment he chuckled his fangs showed off and you felt a sudden wave of fear pass through you . "Why are you here for ?" You asked him a little hesitant and he sighed as if he got the idea that you were afraid of him , "i told you the last time right ." He said as he placed his one large hand on your cheek and softly stroked your cheek with his finger , you just trembled a little at his touch but then his other hand moved to your neck just towards your cleverage making you draw in a sharp breath . "Relax I won't hurt you . I said that before too." He said as he lowered his lips to the level of your neck and placed a soft kiss near your pulse point . "Even though your blood will be the sweetest i would prefer to not drink it because you are the one who can bring sweetness in my life ." He whispered as he kissed his way to your lips while you stayed silent and breathed heavily, you were smart enough to know that you couldn't reject this because he was way more powerful than you were and you also could not deny the butterflies his daring actions gave you but not when it started to get over board just when he was about to plant a kiss on your lips you placed your hand in between . "What do you want from me ? " you asked him while moving your head further away from him if that was even possible after how close you guys were , he smirked before looking at you with something new kinda look in his eyes.
"I want you, now don't mistake me as someone who will be after you for you body, if I wanted that I could have just kept you back last night. " he stated while he saw you going to that point of self conscious and being uncomfortable of his closeness. "when I said yesterday that I wanted you in my bed it didn't meant in a sexual way it meant that I want you to be there next to me just everyday and night. " he stated while you again felt your head spin, "you just saw me yesterday! " you exclaimed while he chuckled, wasn't it adorable the way he chuckled gosh you were losing your mind as his shoulder length hair fell close to your face tickling your neck a little . "that's what you think but this matter is far more old than that. " he said while placing his hand on your cheek and looking at your lips, you just furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, "how old? " you asked him still lost, "like two years maybe. " he said making you get a little distance between you both, "why me ?, I mean there even more great girls than me out there ." you mentioned while looking away towards the sides and you could feel him stare at you ,"you know you are special and no one else gave me the vibe you do ,I know this sounds cheesy but no I really mean this ." he stated while you felt your heartbeat increase to the level that you were sure even he could hear it clearly. "I can't do..." you started as you turned towards him but before that his lips were on yours silencing you from saying further , you tried to pull back but seems like some part of you wanted this , some part of you dreaded for this and it just took charge as your hands fisted into his shirt and you moaned as he took the opportunity to slip his tongue between your parted lips , you felt like that the whole world didn't matter and it was all something new for you but was great too . as you both pulled away he looked at you intently while you wanted to slap yourself for giving in so easily, "now let me tell you one thing ."he said gaining your attention, you looked at him with a blank face and he smirked before his expression changed to a little aggressive, "if any other guy dares to touch you or even gets close to you I won't take time to finish them off and I can highly assure you that I am capable of doing that so sweet thing you better don't get close to any guy if you don't want innocent people dying ." he words made you anxious and you opened and closed your mouth as you could not form words ,"but my parents want me to marry someone they have chosen for me and and I don't know if I am ready to be with you ." you mentioned while biting your inner lip and looking here and there in anxiousness ,"I won't let that happen and to the point it is about you not knowing ..." he said as he leaned down to your right ear and smirked ,"you are very sure and you know that ." he whispered before biting your earlobe making you whimper softly , "you see how your body reacts to me and how hot it gets when I am close to you ." he whispered as you felt your cheeks heat up and you thanked that the light was out . "now we will meet again for now you must sleep ." he said and then within a flash your eyes closed like he had casted a spell on you

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