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One week passed really quick with Taehyung counting every minute of it.
He is not even working properly, how can he?. His baby will be returning soon.

Finally the D-day have come, Taehyung reached Canada day before.
He didn't even close his eyes previous day.

Right now,  he is getting ready to meet his baby finally. Namjoon shook his head at his friend, he nearly changed his coat five times.

Taehyung is most handsome guy, its very well known. He can even rock in basic outfit, why is he so worried?.

Taehyung want to look more handsome today. His baby should drool over him. So he is  worried about his outfit.

Finally after many trails, he selected black color suit which is Jisoo's favorite color. 

Today he is looking damn hot and handsome than ever. Half of the girls in the world would definitely drool over him, even though they know he is taken.

He reached rocket landing zone along with many bodyguards running after him and Journalists taking many snaps of him

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He reached rocket landing zone along with many bodyguards running after him and Journalists taking many snaps of him.

This time NASA even allowed media, so journalists gathered there.

NASA officers greeted him, they are really content by his arrival. 

Taehyung along with NASA officers and journalists stood within 1km radius of rocket landing zone for safety purpose.

Taehyung along with NASA officers and journalists stood within 1km radius of rocket landing zone for safety purpose

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Now Taehyung should be as President not as lover. He should sincerely appreciate every astronaut infront of media, their interaction will be telecasted all over the world.

He is not happy with this, how can he have formal conversation with Jisoo?.

That's next to impossible, he wanted to  hug her right away, kiss every inch of her face,  wanna inhale that heaven like  perfume and  drag her away from this people. He want his Jisoo alone for him.

So for this first time, he hated being president.

His thoughts got interrupted by NASA officers who announced loudly that space rocket will be landing in 5mins.

You are my favourite feeling     |vsoo|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora