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President Kim Taehyung is walking through lane with many security gaurds and police force following him, while providing protection.

And even there are bunch of reporters with camera focussing on his every move outside news channel building.

Today he is attending to one of the most awaited interview of Oprah Winfrey.

This interview is known for sharing personal life and opening thier hearts with the world.

Till now, the president of South Korea didn't share his struggles and personal life to public.

So entire nation is very much eager to know about him.

Will kim Taehyung share his personal life atleast now!?  or skip as usual !?

Oprah :  A very Good evening to President of  South Korea.

Warm welcome from our media community.

I must say, this interview created a buzz even before it's start.

How are you!?. Are you ready for this roll coaster interview!?

Tbh I'm very excited for this. The entire country  including my  family is glued to telivision, as it's live telecast.

(Oprah, the host asked with enthusiasm and huge smile)

Taehyung : Good evening Oprah!.

It's my pleasure to meet you.

I have heard a lot about this interview.

Yeah, I'm pretty much excited for this.

Oprah: So let's start it, without waiting.

To begin with, how is your day first!?

( She asked simply to make him comfortable)

President : Yeah it's really good. I sanctioned few schemes, which would really help people a lot. My entire team is working on new plans.

Oprah : Ah, that's great. You and your bangtan team, really work hard for citizens of this country.

We are really proud of our president.

So let me ask you one spicy question!!

Why we didn't have first lady for our country!?

( Oprah asked with fake suspicion, it seems to be funny)

President: It's because, I didn't marry anyone.

( Taehyung said by laughing, which made whole country to groan funnily. As they are eagerly waiting for this)

Oprah : Wahh, you proved it once again that you are most intelligent

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Oprah : Wahh, you proved it once again that you are most intelligent.

Okay, let me ask in your manner then.

Who is she!?,  for whom you are waiting for years!?

( Oprah asked seriously. It's the time to reveal his hidden life to entire nation.

Honesty he prepared for this. He wanted to tell his love story to whole world, it's the right time and place for him.)

Taehyung : She is most famous one. Won many people's hearts.

Right now, she is not here. Many fan pages and accounts cry for not recieving regular updates from her.

' She leaves a little sparkle, wherever she goes'

I guess,  you people have figured it out by now.

( Everyone were silent, including host, camera man, assistants , his security panel.

They were trying to decode that person and damn that name itself made them shook, but they are not believing their minds.

Heck there is no relation between president and superstar)

Oprah : Hold on, we got one name. But It's unbelievable.

Ughh! I can't mess my mind right now.

So, what her name!?

( Host asked with fingers crossed. Tbh they want that beautiful super star to be first lady)


The very well known queen who ruled people's hearts, even played with mine.

"Kim Jisoo"

(That's it, whole country was shocked. Their queen kim Jisoo is president's  love interest.

It's most shocking news for them. They got mixed emotions, happy, excited, confused. It took few seconds for  host to recover and ask another question)

Oprah: Oh my, I know this interview gonna be blast.

But damn, we didn't expect this at all Mr president.

Anyways, could you please share your love story with us!?. At the same time, could you even share about your struggles to become president of our country!?.

We are very much excited to listen our king and queen's love story.

President: Sure Oprah, it's perfect time for me, I guess...................

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