Chapter 10: Because!

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I took out my quill and started writing.

Dear Padfoot and Moony,

I'm sure both of you are reading the newspaper's. Things are getting weirder by the day, I found Barty Crouch dead today in the Forbidden Forest. He was out cold, I think it was the killing curse because there were no other signs of injury. The second task was today as you already knew, I came in 2nd....Well I came 3rd at first but because I saved two people instead of one so I got second! Also something happened about a while ago, during the Yule Ball. You know about Ron and well, none of us had a date, so I asked him to go as friends. He said yes, so we did. I don't know what happened but I kissed him, this sounds really weird. But worse, then I freaked out and ran. We haven't talked about it AT ALL. I don't think he likes me. I mean we hang out but only with others around. We haven't been alone for a second. What do I do??? How do I talk to him about it because I want to and I have a feeling he does to. Anyways write to me soon. I hope you both are alright.

Love, your Prongslet.


"Harry? What are you doing here?" Ron asked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked back.

"I saw you go out, I tried to follow you, but got lost then I came here and well."

"Oh uh I just needed to clear my head, you know?" It came out more like a question.

Thank Merlin I had already sent the letter. Didn't want him reading any of that.

"Okay.." Ron replied sitting next to me staring out the window.

"You were right, it is pretty up here without all the students and noise!"

"I know."

I made a risky move by resting my head on his shoulder.

Thankfully he didn't back away. But to my surprise leaned in too, his head was on mine by now. He was still staring out.

"Pretty." He said.

"Ya, I know.." I replied but I wasn't looking at the starry night. (cliché)

They just sat there, enjoying eachothers presence no words needed to be said...until.



"What did that kiss mean?"

Shit what if I say the wrong thing again, think Harry!

"What did it mean for you??" I retorted.

"I don't know..." He replied.

"Oh okay." I said standing up wanting to leave immediately.

"No, Harry wait!"

"Why, it obviously meant nothing right why should I stop?"


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