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"You know each other?" Eunji asked in a low voice as she sat beside Jimin.

"Huh, yeah", Taehyung said with a small smile before he gazed at Jungkook again who's eyes were stuck on him, many emotions running through them that he wanted to express too. "We were friends in high school before he moved to Seoul", the chef explained before his eyes flee to the pink-haired male who was absorbing this information. Upon seeing a guest with his friend, he frowned. Unknowingly dread polled in the pit of his stomach as he forced a smile. "I'm sorry are we disturbing a date-".

"No!" at the sudden exclamation all eyes gazed at Jungkook who was turning red with the attention on him, or maybe it's because one of those pair of eyes belong to a certain black-haired. "I-uh, this is my co-worker Jimin, he already has a crush on someone else", he didn't know why he was laying out this information on a silver plate but all he cared was for the black-haired to not misunderstand.

"I appreciate my personal information to be not laid on display but I'll make an exception this one time", Jimin said sternly but the mischievous glint in his eyes shone as he understood the situation the younger was in.

"Oh, I'm sorry for making a quick assumption", the fact that he was f*cking relieved was astonishing to him too.

"Appa, can I spend time with Kookie and Cotton candy?"


If Jungkook wasn't shocked to see his friend after so many years he was definitely petrified right now. Appa? Eunji just called Taehyung, Appa. He was her Appa. Taehyung was Eunji's Appa. It kept replaying in his head. F*ck he really did mess up. With wide eyes Jungkook suddenly got up, he didn't pay attention to anyone before dashing out the door and running to where his legs took him.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung shout after him, discarding his apron and running after him.

Jungkook's senses were numb but he stopped once he neared the forest area, he was barely out of breath, having good experience in physical activities. He just stared at the trees, taking in breaths to calm him down.

"You know, making you friend chase after you all the way up to a forest isn't exactly the way to greet them", the blonde spun around in shock as he watched his best friend hunched down, hands on his knees as he took some much-needed breath. He didn't know why but the seeing his friend like this made him chuckle as he took in the elder's huffing and exasperated breaths. He was always the dramatic one.

"I see you haven't stopped being dramatic", the words came out naturally, that was right, with Taehyung it was always natural for him to be.

"Oh please, you love it when I'm dramatic", to additional effect, the older flipped his curly black hair but he was grinning from ear-to-ear, glad the younger was easing up to him.

"Maybe", the younger snickered, his wasn't surprised though, with Taehyung he could never be uncomfortable.

"That isn't a no", Taehyung grinned before he took the younger's palm in his. The sensation of the skin-ship jolting sparks up their spines as childish dreams resurfaced, cheeks reddening. "Since we are at this forest anyway, why don't I take you somewhere", the older winked making the blonde blush and look away, he started dragging the younger male deeper into the forest.

"You aren't trying to kidnap me, are you?" Jungkook joked as he tried to focus on anything but their intertwined hands but f*ck he was giddy like a high-schooler holding his crush's hand. Or maybe because it was exactly that. Seven years later and here he is, holding his high-school crush's hand in his.

"Hush, you can't know my secret just like that", Taehyung playfully whispered, before giving into his boxy smile again. He swears to god, he was feeling like his old high school self again. Though this time, they weren't the giddy, naughty high schoolers anymore. They've matured a lot, not only physically but mentally too. "We are here", and the moment he said that they walked into a clearing.

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