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Jungkook shifted his position as he closed his eyes, uncomfortable with his position he shifted again. And this cycle went on and on until he couldn't sleep anymore, putting him in a very pissed mood.

Stupid Y/N.

"Screw this", he threw the covers off him before dashing to his bathroom. He needed a distraction right now or he might just blow up at anyone, which is never good. Bad mornings were his worst time for the year or month if you could say. Sleep is very important in his life and if anyone disturbs that, he's a ticking time bomb.

He threw a black hoodie and mask on, slipping past the security. Though it's easy to escape them when he's on leave rather than in the middle of a show. He passed the rich neighbourhood, nothing, in particular, caught his eye, same large houses with innumerable cars. Pfft, bet they won't even use half of their belongings.

He sighed in relief as he escaped the busy streets, though he got stares for having a mask on and dressing like that, no one dared to approach knowing that the Idols could sue them if things got far. He wasn't really paying any attention to where he was going until he spotted the familiar street from a few days back. And that's when his thoughts were occupied with the little blue-eyed girl he met, is she still here? Why was she here when her house was a few streets away? Who was with her? She lives in a good house; she must have a family right. Why do I need to search here? I know where her house is. Stupid me.

Maybe it was curiosity about the girl or the push of his heart, he started to walk, trying to get to the end of the street to go to the girl's path. He was just about to pass a small café in the homey street when he felt a small hand grab his wrist.

He didn't need to turn to know who it belongs to.

Found you, mystery girl.

"Are you running from people again?" an innocent question was thrown at him when he turned to meet the sparkling blue eyes that held the same intensity of curiosity he has.

"No", Jungkook laughed softly, before adding. "I was just looking for my knight in shining armour. More like an angel in shining armour", he bent down to her level as he took her hand in his, his large hand almost swallowing hers like the cortex protecting the bud of a flower.

"Oh, who is she?" another laugh erupted from his throat as he stared at the pretty girl who just huffed at him in annoyance for laughing.

"Hmm, that's not important right now young lady. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your parents? Please don't tell me you're talking with strangers", Jungkook said the last part in concern.

"I'm not", the girl pouted at his last question making him coo internally before saying. "My Appa and his best friends work in this café since it's summer I can't go to school so I have to stay with Appa". Stay with Appa? She could just stay at home.

"You could just stay at home with your Eomma right?" the question came out before he could even think it through and he regretted it instantly when he saw the sadness in the girl's eyes.

"I don't know where my Eomma is. Appa says she's in heaven but I never went there, and she never visited us", those words shattered the blonde man's heart as he stared at the sadness swirling in those pretty eyes. F*ck he shouldn't have asked.

"Well, I'm pretty sure wherever she is she loves you so much", he said trying to cheer her up and mentally danced when the girl's eyes lit up like stars as she smiled her gummy smile. Gosh, this is just their second encounter and he already wants to protect this angel from this cruel world.

"I know, I love her too and I love Appa too. So much", to emphasize her words she stretched her hands till she couldn't anymore.

"I'm sure you do, so, what do you say? Want me to buy you cake?" Jungkook asked, they are in front of the café anyway, might as well treat this little cutie who effortlessly put smiles on his face and warmth in his heart.

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