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Let's get this Butter!!! (Lmao-)

Sh*t. They are near.

Jungkook ran faster than before as he turned the corner into a dark alley, his blonde bangs falling over his eyes. He frantically looked around to hide but hearing the footsteps nearing he was felt with no choice but to run again. F*ck, if he was in Olympics, he would've won gold by now. Why did he become a model then? Oh right, that's because he loves to sing. But he sure as hell didn't sign up for 24/7 constant work, interviews, bodyguards, and media up his @ss.

He wasn't sure where he was going but looking at his surroundings, he could see that he neared the proper civilization area, people here and there. This is bad.

Breath Jungkook, breath. It's not the end of the world though it feels like it, just your stupid imagination trying to scare the f*ck outta you. Stay strong my boy.

Jungkook slid into the space between two buildings once he saw his bodyguards come into the streets. He held his breath, looking around for any escape without blowing his cover. But was it possible with his bodyguards littered at every corner of the street? Who the f*ck hired them? Can't even let a model escape.

Racking his now blank brain for anything, he wasn't surprised to find that he was screwed. Yup, pretty much screwed.


What the-

Jungkook wiped his head around to see a little girl holding his hand, she looked at him with big blue eyes, chubby cheeks, and rosy lips. She was wearing a beautiful pink gown and her other handheld phone, she looked nearly eight.

"Come", she said in a honey-sweet voice.

"Uh...", Jungkook just stared at her dumbfounded.

"Come", now the girl whined and tugged his shirt. Pulling him into the dark alley as he staggered behind her stupefied, who was this girl? And why is she pulling him? Wait, where is she pulling him? Jungkook looked around and saw houses lined up. It was a cozy neighborhood, not the rich one like his. All the houses were identical, painted white, and gardens with different flowers.

Once he was done observing it all, he looked down at the girl who dragged him to the house at the furthest corner of the street lane. Lilies and roses were littered in the garden as they entered. The girl stopped at the porch, and bent down, pulling out a key from inside a flower pot. Jungkook just stared at her with curiosity, many questions running in his mind per second.

"Come in", she opened the door and beckoned him in with a smile. Jungkook having no other option and curiosity of a mountain followed her into the house.

Is this little girl a serial killer? Wow, I'm gonna die.

"Have a seat, I'll get you water", Jungkook sat on the black couch as he looked around, there was an average size TV, table, and furniture to add the homey look. He didn't train his eyes further than staring at the TV cause he didn't want to intrude on anything. "Here", the ebony-haired girl came into sight, gave the man a gummy smile when she handed him the water which he gladly took. All the running made his throat burn.

Once he drank all the water, he set the glass down on the table and looked at the girl. "Okay, first, thank you so much for bringing me away from the people and for the water. And second, why the hell are you helping me?" Jungkook asked his full attention on her.

"Well, my Appa always told me that we have to help the people in need. You seemed to need my help so I helped", the girl shrugged casually while Jungkook frowned.

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