"Sure Taehyung. Go eat your lunch with sweetie", Seokjin got up as Taehyung bowed in thanks and made his way to the staff room. Inside he found his baby going through his bag hurriedly, chickling he helped her with the zips and got their lunch boxes out. One plain blue box for him and a pretty pink, unicorn box for his angel.

"Here you go angel", he gave her his box and the two made their way out. The back of the café was connected to the forest that the town had. It was always a calm place to eat lunch. They both sat down on the bench Seokjin ordered when they found out about this amazing view. As he was gazing at the view, an excited gasp caught his attention as he turned to the little girl beside him.

"Japchae?" Eunji grinned. "Thank you, Appa", with that she digs into the food.

"Careful Eunji-ah, eat slowly we aren't in a rush", Taehyung chuckled but he knew his words went in her one ear and out the other. He looked down at his food and back at his girl before starting to eat his lunch. Life was peaceful.

"Hey, Appa", Eunji said making him turn his attention to the girl while his cheeks were filled with food. "What if I told you, I have a twenty-five-year-old friend who you don't know, what will you do?" the question itself made no sense to him but he answered anyway knowing she didn't have a twenty-five-year-old friend.

"Um, I don't know. If he is a nice person then I'd be happy", the truth was, he'd probably freak the f*ck out and threaten the man with his spatula about his intentions to his baby but oh, he answered light-hearted to assure his baby that he wasn't going to jump onto some illusional stranger.

"Good", she nodded to herself with a serious expression before continuing to eat, Taehyung though confused with her behaviour brushed it off and concentrated on his food knowing his break is about to end soon.

After they finished their food both of them went back in, with Taehyung taking his role as a head chef while Eunji went to the counter and accompanied Hoseok. Both she and the orange-haired spent the time joking and talking, the elder already having taken his break before them.

But her eyes would always flee to the doors whenever the bell rings, anticipating a certain person to walk after his experience here yesterday. She liked his company.

Jungkook took a deep breath as he knocked on the door which had the CEO's name shining under his designation. Best friend or not, he's still his boss. An intimidatingly scary boss.

"Come in", the voice of his friend was heard from behind the door. On cue, he opened the door to be greeted with the image of his best friend going through some files. Probably about the new contract of the season collab.

"Hey hyung", Jungkook strode in before he sat in the chair in front of his hyung. "You wanted to meet up with me", he said nervously, surely Namjoon hadn't ratted out about his last run away, right?

"Yeah, just needed to make sure about the contract. Gucci, is a big step for our company and I, in no way, would want to screw it up. So, I chose you", at this, the younger grinned in pride. "Better not screw up Kook, it's your big chance", right, his big chance. It was about his big chance. When he joined in as a model to the company, he made sure to tell that if he got an offer from any other major companies, he would take it. This is his chance.

"Yeah, my chance", he repeated the words but tried not to frown on why he wasn't too enthusiastic about it. This is freaking Gucci they are talking about, yeah, he's going to ace it.

"Go now, you're free", Yoongi waved at him dismissively, going back to skim through the number of papers on his desk.

"Uh, yeah, bye hyung", with that Jungkook walked, deciding to ignore the dread pooling in his stomach.

"Hey Jungkook!" he came to a sudden halt when he saw Jimin running to him, he was wearing ripped jeans and a white tank top but his make-up was high-lighted, probably had a shoot a few minutes ago. "Do you wanna hang out now? I had my lunch but I'm still craving food", the elder pouted, running his hand through his pink hair.

"Huh, yeah I'm free-", and he got an idea that moment. "-Hey hyung, wanna eat some dessert?" at that question the shorter male nodded eagerly. "I know just the place".

A few moments later, the duo found themselves in front of Blue Moon café. Jungkook pushed the door open, both entering with their masks on, he was wearing his hoodie while the pink-haired opted for a bucket cap.

"You should try the strawberry tart, it's simply delicious", Jungkook egged an already eager Jimin whose mouth was watering at the display of sweets.

"Who knew heaven made earth its home?" Jimin mumbled before the two of them took the seats where Jungkook sat last time he was here.

"I know right", Jungkook trailed off as his eyes flew to the counter, wanting to see some familiar faces and quite to his joy, an ebony-haired eight-year-old was running towards him with the biggest grin he ever saw her wear. "Hey angel, it's your favourite stranger, Kookie", Jungkook joked as he side hugged the little girl who giggled.

"I'm so happy you are here, Kookie!" the girl squealed before her eyes fell on the pink-haired who was watching this exchange with curious eyes. "Hi, I'm Eunji! You are...?"

"I'm Jimin", Jimin gave her his eye smile which was greeted with her own gummy one, as they both started to do a small conversation, Jungkook was frozen. Eunji. Her name is Eunji. Then he grinned to himself, he finally got to know her name.

"Jimin? You look more like a cotton candy" Eunji giggled as the boys cooed at her. "So, what do you want to get here?"

"Well, I heard from Kook here that your strawberry-".

"Eunji!" a sudden scream of the little girl's name caught the trio's attention as they turned their head to see a man in an apron and chef cap striding towards them. "I told you to not leave the kitchen or the counter. Why are you here-"

The rest of the words were muted to Jungkook's ears as he took in the man's appearance with wide eyes and beating heart. No, this can't be. His lips parted as in having trouble breathing as he tried not to overthink about the situation but the moment the man turned his head to his direction, he wanted nothing but to be swallowed by the ground or hug the breath out of that man.

The man froze too as he gazed at him with an unreadable expression. He was shocked, that much was clear. It was as if the time froze, only he and the man were there, gazing into each other's eyes with so many emotions that even they are scared to show or feel.

And the suffocating silence only broke when the man's lips formed a warm smile and whispered out his name. "Jungkook".

And his own lips moved on their own, speaking the name he hasn't uttered for the past seven years. "Taehyung".


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