Chapter 12: Be the Lightning in Me, that Strikes Relentless

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I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, Kaminari told himself as he power-walked to class Monday morning. He was going to tell Aizawa everything. Scared of his teacher as he was, he knew the hero was a good man and would help save Princess. Even if he got thrown out or even arrested, that was all Kaminari cared about. Nothing else mattered.

He walked into class and the squad immediately greeted him. Even Bakugo grunted at him. He wasn't going to tear up. He wasn't, damn it!

"Are you okay?" Ashido asked, concernedly.

He nodded, not trusting his voice.

"Is everything okay, Kaminari?" Iida came up behind him. He was so supportive of everyone, why couldn't he be Kaminari's big brother?

"Yeah," He said, his throat tight. "Just got some stuff on my mind."

Iida's hand rested on his shoulder. "If you need me, I'll be happy to help with anything."

The entire class spoke up then, adding their well wishes and support. And then, Kaminari started to cry. How could he leave this behind?

Fuck Susanoo, this was his family.

"My precious electric child!" Mina hugged him.

"I'm the same age as you," Kaminari felt the need to point out.

"I don't care!"

Bakugo scowled behind her, while Kirishima, Sero, and Jirou looked on, concerned.

"Alright, class is starting..." Aizawa Sensei walked in, then took a look around the room. "What is going on here?"

"Kaminari's upset, Aizawa Sensei. We were just showing our support," Iida explained.

Blushing, Kaminari fought his way out of Mina's hug, not looking anyone in the eye. "I'm fine."

Aizawa Sensei looked at him for a long moment, then nodded. "Everyone back to their seats, class has started."

Class continued as normal. At the end, about ready to head to Cementoss's class, Kaminari was stopped by his teacher.

Oh god, oh god, oh god, he panicked. What was he supposed to say? 'Hey, I'm a spy and I've suddenly decided to tell you all about it?' No, that was too blunt.

"Can I talk to you after school today?" He finally blurted out.

Aizawa Sensei studied his face for a moment and then nodded. "Come to the break room after class."

"Yes, sir, thank you." And then he practically ran out the door. Hopefully, having the entire school day to think would help him know what to say when the time came.


It didn't help. It was the last class of the day and Kaminari wasn't even paying attention, he was so focused on what to say to his teacher.


He was startled out of his thoughts by Ectoplasm's voice. "Sir?" He asked.

"What is the answer to the question on the board?"

Kaminari read the question.

Six years from now, Olivia will be three times older than she is today. How old is she?

The answers were 4, 5, 2, and 3.

Shit. He hated algebra.

Okay, so that'd be 6x = 3x. Right?

No, that wasn't it. That would make it 6x/6 = 3x/3 and that made no sense.


"I'm sorry, I don't know," he said meekly.

He had more important things to think about right now than algebra!

Ectoplasm gave a disappointed sigh. "Please try to pay attention, Kaminari."

"Yes, sir."


At the end of the day, Kaminari was trudging towards Aizawa Sensei's office at a snail's pace. He still didn't know what he was going to say and he was about to start screaming again.

He stopped at the break room door and took a deep breath. I can do this. He was finally going to do the right thing. Fuck Susanoo. Fuck Shigaraki. And fuck All For One, he was doing this.

He knocked on the door.

It was a minute or two before it opened. Present Mic grinned at him. "Hello, little listener," he boomed. "What can we do for you?"

"I'm here to talk to Aizawa Sensei," he said quietly.

"Come in, Kaminari," Aizawa Sensei's voice called from inside.

Present Mic held the door open for him as he walked through. Immediately, his guts tried to vacate his body. Every one of his teachers were there.

Oh god oh god oh god, he thought frantically. I'm going to hurl.

He made his way over to his home room teacher, praying that the ground would open up and swallow him right then and there. Shit, he was dead.

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" Aizawa Sensei asked.


Something drew Kaminari's attention to the tv in the room. Perhaps it was simply procrastination, maybe a sixth sense, but whatever it was, his blood ran cold at the message onscreen.

"After All Might's retirement," the news anchor reported, "many heroes have been coming out of retirement to help. One such hero is the Falconer, who abruptly retired 11 years ago with no explanation whatsoever. Along other news..."

The Falconer.

Boss, are we seriously doing this just to get caught by a fucking hero?

Shut up. The Falconer promised a buttload of cash for terrorizing this neighborhood. Just get this done and we'll be sitting pretty.


Kaminari's mind flashed back to the present. He smiled. "Oh, I was just wondering how my grades were doing now."

Aizawa Sensei blinked and frowned. "They're better, but that doesn't mean you should slack off."

"Right!" Kaminari nodded quickly. "I better get to it, then."

He almost sprinted out the door, and did sprint all the way to his room. He threw down his book bag and collapsed on his bed, screaming into his pillow.

Falconer, the fucking Falconer. That motherfucker was actually coming back. Daring to masquerade as a hero after what he did.

Fuck this. Fuck everyone! He hated them all–heroes, villains, everything!

He punched the bed. Screw it. He'd go along with Shigaraki's plan. Then, when the time was right and he was reunited with Princess, he'd betray him too. After all, trusting a liar in the first place was pretty stupid, right?


Alright, short chapter people, but this is the point of no return for Kaminari. My poor baby has made up his mind now and there's no stopping him. Also, I am Mina in this chapter. He is my precious electric child and I want to hug him.

In other news, I have changed my username. I wanted a more respectable pen name since I'm now writing my own stories. My new profile picture is of my precious puppy, Tucker. (He's a poodle/retriever mix and he's a mess 😂.)

As always, comments are wonderful. I look forward to y'all's reactions to this chapter 😁.

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